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// Alignment-safe and fast memset routines
//! \file tonc_memcpy.s
//! \author J Vijn
//! \date 20060508 - 20090801
// === NOTES ===
@ * 20050924: Lower overhead for all; reduced i-count for u16 loops.
@ * These are 16/32bit memset and memcpy. The 32bit versions are in
@ iwram for maximum effect and pretty much do what CpuFastSet does,
@ except that it'll work for non multiples of 8 words too. Speed
@ is as good as CpuFastSet, but with a little less overhead.
@ * The 16bit versions call the 32bit ones if possible and/or desirable.
@ They are thumb/ROM functions but did them in asm anyway because
@ GCC goes haywire with the use of registers resulting in a much
@ higher overhead (i.e., detrimental for low counts)
@ * Crossover with inline while(nn--) loops (not for(ii++), which are
@ much slower):
@ memset32: ~5
@ memset16: ~8
.file "tonc_memset.s"
#define DEF_SIZE(_name) .size _name, .-_name
//! \name Section definitions for assembly.
#define CSEC_TEXT .text //!< Standard code section directive.
#define CSEC_EWRAM .section .ewram , "ax", %progbits //!< EWRAM code section directive.
#define CSEC_IWRAM .section .iwram, "ax", %progbits //!< IWRAM code section directive.
#define DSEC_DATA .data //<! Standard data section directive.
#define DSEC_ROM .section .rodata //!< ROM data section directive.
#define DSEC_BSS .section .bss //!< Uninited data (RAM) section directive.
#define DSEC_SBSS .section .sbss //!< Uninited data (DTCM?) section directive.
#define ARM_FUNC .arm //!< Indicates an ARM function.
#define THUMB_FUNC .thumb_func //!< Indicates a Thumb function.
//# NOTE: because these use commas, I can't pass them through CPP macros.
//# Yes, this is stupid, but do you have a better idea?
.section .ewram , "ax", %progbits
.section .iwram , "ax", %progbits
//! \name Function definition macros.
//! Start an assembly function.
\param _name Name of function.
\param _section Section to place function in (like .text)
#define BEGIN_FUNC(_name, _section, _iset) \
_section; \
_iset; \
.align 2; \
.global _name; \
.type _name STT_FUNC; \
//! End of a function.
#define END_FUNC(_name) DEF_SIZE(_name)
//! Begin an ARM function
\param _name Name of function.
\param _section Section to place function in (like .text)
#define BEGIN_FUNC_ARM(_name, _section) BEGIN_FUNC(_name, _section, ARM_FUNC)
//! Begin a THUMB function.
\param _name Name of function.
\param _section Section to place function in (like .text)
#define BEGIN_FUNC_THUMB(_name, _section) BEGIN_FUNC(_name, _section, THUMB_FUNC)
//! \name Data definition macros.
#define BEGIN_SYMBOL(_name, _section) \
_section; \
.align; \
.global _name; \
#define END_SYMBOL(_name) DEF_SIZE(_name)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \name TSurface member offsets.
#define TSRF_data 0
#define TSRF_pitch 4
#define TSRF_width 8
#define TSRF_height 10
#define TSRF_bpp 12
#define TSRF_type 13
#define TSRF_palSize 14
#define TSRF_pal 16
@ === void memset32(void *dst, u32 src, u32 wdn); =====================
/*! \fn void memset32(void *dst, u32 src, u32 wdn) IWRAM_CODE;
\brief Fast-fill by words.
\param dst Destination address.
\param src Fill word (not address).
\param wdn Number of words to fill.
\note \a dst <b>must</b> be word aligned.
\note \a r0 returns as \a dst + \a wdn.
/* Reglist:
r0, r1: dst, src
r2: wdn, then wdn>>3
r3-r10: data buffer
r12: wdn&7
and r12, r2, #7
movs r2, r2, lsr #3
beq .Lres_set32
push {r4-r9}
@ set 32byte chunks with 8fold xxmia
mov r3, r1
mov r4, r1
mov r5, r1
mov r6, r1
mov r7, r1
mov r8, r1
mov r9, r1
stmia r0!, {r1, r3-r9}
subs r2, r2, #1
bhi .Lmain_set32
pop {r4-r9}
@ residual 0-7 words
subs r12, r12, #1
stmhsia r0!, {r1}
bhi .Lres_set32
bx lr
@ === void memset16(void *dst, u16 src, u32 hwn); =====================
/*! \fn void memset16(void *dst, u16 src, u32 hwn);
\brief Fill for halfwords.
Uses <code>memset32()</code> if \a hwn>5
\param dst Destination address.
\param src Source halfword (not address).
\param wdn Number of halfwords to fill.
\note \a dst <b>must</b> be halfword aligned.
\note \a r0 returns as \a dst + \a hwn.
/* Reglist:
r0, r1: dst, src
r2, r4: wdn
r3: tmp; and data buffer
push {r4, lr}
@ under 6 hwords -> std set
cmp r2, #5
bls .Ltail_set16
@ dst not word aligned: copy 1 hword and align
lsl r3, r0, #31
bcc .Lmain_set16
strh r1, [r0]
add r0, #2
sub r2, r2, #1
@ Again, memset32 does the real work
lsl r4, r1, #16
orr r1, r4
lsl r4, r2, #31
lsr r2, r2, #1
ldr r3, =memset32
bl .Llong_bl
@ NOTE: r0 is altered by memset32, but in exactly the right
@ way, so we can use is as is. r1 is now doubled though.
lsr r2, r4, #31
beq .Lend_set16
lsr r1, #16
sub r2, #1
bcc .Lend_set16 @ r2 was 0, bug out
lsl r2, r2, #1
strh r1, [r0, r2]
sub r2, r2, #2
bcs .Lres_set16
pop {r4}
pop {r3}
bx r3