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Jefklaks Tux 'n Tips
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... general tips, howto's &amp; articles for linux users
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<h2>Fresh Website Development News</h2>
First of all, let me welcome you to our (actually, mine) brand new website! Please enjoy your stay. <br />
This is the News section. Here you will find the latest and hottest articles and howto's wich were submitted lately. To browse the archives, (under construction)
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<div class="up">&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;Finally added some stuff</div><br />
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Yeah it was about time... <br />
Anyway I yust briefly updated the screenshots section, adding 3 brand new screens for this nice month. Have been poking aroud with my fwvm configuration file for quite a while and I think the new theme fits exactly my needs, hehe. <br />The downloads section is also slightly changed: removed kernel patches (more info see there) and added some configuration files (like zsh, Xdefaults and more of that). <br />Finally, I temporary removed all MySQL stuff from home.php - it took me too much to add some news... As lazy as I am (hehe), this works faster. I will edit the "about" section and replace it with some trivial projects page or so. See you soon!
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<div style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;&nbsp;By <a href="mailto: &#106;&#101;&#102;&#107;&#108;&#97;&#107;&#64;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#46;&#98;&#101;?subj=your site">Jefklak</a>
at <b>22 Februari 2005&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
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