--- title: "Hi, I’m Wouter Groeneveld" bigimg: /img/About Me.jpg disableComments: true --- And I have a deep passion to inspire others on everything that drives me. I like to think of myself as one of those _polymaths_ or Rennaissance Men: > Renaissance man (noun) - a person with many talents or areas of knowledge.[^2] Professionally, I am a PhD researcher at the [Faculty of Engineering Technology](https://iiw.kuleuven.be/english), KU Leuven. I have been an experienced software engineer for 11 years before that, taking on various roles from agile coaching to technical lead. I am not only interested in technical software development, but also in what happens at **non-cognitive, human level** when developing software _together_. I used to be only good at programming because I thought, as a Computer Scientist, you specialize instead of generalize. But the more I worked with computers, the more my hands itched to do something else. So nowadays I love to go wide and pass on that enthusiasm for knowledge on any level. Those areas of knowledge include: #### Software development * Test your stuff before writing your code! I’m a heavy Test Driven Development (TDD) fan and I bark at those who don’t. I teach agile software engineering techniques, in both industry and academia. * I love dynamic languages. I have taught Javascript as a dynamic and functional language. Every excuse to write in something dynamic is a good one. * Pair programming used as a tool to learn from each other and to improve code quality are two values I firmly believe in. Take a look at my [ Github account](https://github.com/wgroeneveld) or [ Curriculum Vitae](/files/groeneveldw_cv.pdf) in Dutch. #### Baking * I hold a [professional bread baker's degree](/post/learning-to-become-a-baker/) so naturally I love to think of myself as a real baker. * My passion within baking is [ sourdough bread](https://redzuurdesem.be), spreading the word by organizing workshops to repopularize its use. #### Writing and philosophizing * I'm a [fountain pen addict](/post/fountain-pens-first-look/) and avid [ journaler](/post/journaling-in-practice/). * This website[^1] is the ideal base for writing down my thoughts about virtually anything, primarily intended to amuse myself and not others. * I like to integrate Philosophical and Psychological approaches into my research. #### Drawing * I'm just starting to [learn](/post/teaching-yourself-to-draw/) how to use ink other than for writing purposes. ## Where good ideas come from: Books I keep an active  Goodreads account where I manage everything I've read and want to read. I invite you to join the community there. Marking a book as read and writing a (short) review never was that satisfying... I used to be almost exclusively a fantasy reader. Now I mostly read non-fiction on the most diverse topics, but I do have a soft spot for things like philosophy, art, mindful food and software engineering. These are the latest 12 books I've read:


[^1]: This website uses an [anonymized IP](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2763052?hl=en) form of Google Analytics for the sole purpose of tracking website traffic. [^2]: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymath)