{ "attributes": [ "Curiosity", "Creative State of Mind", "Creative Techniques", "Technical Knowledge", "Communication", "Constraints", "Critical Thinking" ], "questions": [ { "i": "CUR1", "q": "During the project, I really came outside my comfort zone", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR2", "q": "Many parts of the project piqued my curiosity", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR3", "q": "I enjoyed getting involved in many aspects of the project", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR4", "q": "I enjoyed really immersing myself in some aspects.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR5", "q": "I was stimulated by the complexity of the project.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR6", "q": "I felt the urge to implement extras.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }] }, { "i": "CUR7", "q": "I have not had any fun while developing the project.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "CUR8", "q": "I had to commit myself to finish the project.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Curiosity" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "MND1", "q": "I remained focused for a long time on a part of the project", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "MND2", "q": "I used productivity tools to better concentrate on the essence of the problem (e.g. shortcuts, cmdline tools, ...)", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "MND3", "q": "I found the experience to be very rewarding", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "MND4", "q": "Time seemed to fly by while working", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "MND5", "q": "I did not know enough to meet the high demands of the project.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "MND6", "q": "Programming went almost automatically.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "MND7", "q": "I did not know what exactly I wanted to achieve.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "MND8", "q": "I was not concerned with what others thought of my code.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative State of Mind" }] }, { "i": "TCH1", "q": "I always used the same method to solve a problem.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "TCH2", "q": "I used knowledge from another domain to solve something.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH3", "q": "I combined different ideas to tackle a problem.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH4", "q": "I deliberately took occasional breaks to let things sink in.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH5", "q": "I brainstormed with others to come up with new ideas.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH6", "q": "I took a step back now and then to see things as a whole.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH7", "q": "In case of problems I let myself be inspired by other projects.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }] }, { "i": "TCH8", "q": "I was regularly stuck.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Creative Techniques" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "KNW1", "q": "I gained little knowledge during the project.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "KNW2", "q": "I learned and applied new practical programming techniques.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "KNW3", "q": "I have gained insight into the problem domain", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "KNW4", "q": "The technical aspect of programming appealed to me.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "KNW5", "q": "I thought about my learning process and how to improve it.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "KNW6", "q": "I felt uncomfortable with this project because many aspects were unknown to me.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "KNW7", "q": "I tried to relate the new knowledge to something I know.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "KNW8", "q": "Thanks to the project I also gained knowledge of other things outside of programming.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Technical Knowledge" }] }, { "i": "COM1", "q": "I barely asked for feedback from my fellow students/co-workers.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "COM2", "q": "I visualized the problem on a whiteboard or on paper.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "COM3", "q": "I regularly asked for feedback from my teachers/clients", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "COM4", "q": "I supported my teammates by helping them with their tasks.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "COM5", "q": "My own tasks were not completed on time so teammates ran into problems with the deadline.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "COM6", "q": "I supported the ideas and efforts of my teammates.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "COM7", "q": "I was so proud of our result that I showed it to everyone.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "COM8", "q": "I thoroughly thought suggestions by others through.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Communication" }] }, { "i": "CTR1", "q": "I regularly thought about the correctness of my solution", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CTR2", "q": "Due to the time pressure I performed less well", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "CTR3", "q": "I tried to make my program as elegant as possible", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CTR4", "q": "I tried to identify the constraints of the assignment.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CTR5", "q": "I have had the program tested by friends/family.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CTR6", "q": "There was too much creative freedom for me, so I could not make a good decision.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "CTR7", "q": "Coding on short notice accelerated my learning process.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CTR8", "q": "I regularly tested the program myself and paid attention to its ease of use.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Constraints" }] }, { "i": "CRI1", "q": "In discussions about problems, I often suggested alternatives.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] }, { "i": "CRI2", "q": "I regularly carefully weighed up the various uptions we had.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] }, { "i": "CRI3", "q": "I dared to completely rewrite my own code when it didn't go well.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] }, { "i": "CRI4", "q": "I used multiple sources to find out information myself.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] }, { "i": "CRI5", "q": "I didn't think it was important to ask teammates how they implemented something.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "CRI6", "q": "I always check the credibility of the source when I look something up.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] }, { "i": "CRI7", "q": "It was more important that it worked than that I 100% understood why.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }], "invert": true }, { "i": "CRI8", "q": "Looking at other proejcts made me rethink my own.", "v": [ { "weight": 1, "attribute": "Critical Thinking" }] } ] }