--- date: 2022-08-01T14:00:34+02:00 context: "https://chringel.dev/2022/07/indiewebify-me-and-dont-forget-my-webmentions/" --- Awesome to read your IndieWeb adventure! > Also, I think my Webmention workflow is lacking. I need to implement a way to automatically rebuilt my site when new Webmentions are coming in. I never understood the need for "instant appearance" of comments on the site. Since I publish at regular intervals, that's not a problem for me, but if you really want, you could simply revert to client-side JS code. This is the Disqus and Webmention.io way. Do a `fetch()` to your Go-Jamming endpoint, and for each mention, build the HTML layout in JS, and replace it in the DOM. That way, every page is automatically up-to-date and you sidestep the Hugo regeneration needed part.