--- title: Implementing Searching In Static Websites date: 2022-08-04T10:59:00+02:00 categories: - webdesign tags: - hugo - searching --- In my monthly [July 2022 overview](/post/2022/08/july-2022) write-up, I wrote: > This website got a new search engine! The baked archives page used to be powered by Lunr.js, which has been replaced by Pagefind.app. I guess this is worth its own blog post, I’ll save the details for later. It's time for those juicy details. Last month's first HugoConf revealed many interesting JAMStack-related tooling to boost your statically generated blog. For the uninitiated, a "JAMStack" is a _JavaScript, API, and Markup stack_ that (almost) enables static websites to be just as dynamic as true blogging engines such as Wordpress. For example, [a Webmention-based commenting system](/post/2021/05/beyond-webmention-io/) with a queryable API, a few pre- and post-processor scripts like [YouTube link to image converters](/post/2021/06/youtube-play-image-links-in-hugo/), or, **search functionality**. One of those new search tools mentioned during the conference is [Pagefind](https://pagefind.app/). Since I was looking into throwing out [Lunr.js](https://lunrjs.com/) anyway, it was a good opportunity to try out new things. The result is the simple but very fast [search bar in the /archives page](/archives). How do these tools work? 1. You generate some content in Markdown. Your static site processor, in my case Hugo, converts it to static HTML, ready to be served to visitors. 2. A script needs to be run to create **an index** of your content---either by processing the `.md` source, or the `.html` target. The result is usually a fairly large `.js` file. 3. On a search page, you include 2 `