--- title: February 2022 In Review date: 2022-03-02T20:03:00+01:00 tags: - metapost --- February 2022 is no more. The editing process of my new book is proving to be more challenging (and exhausting) than I imagined. We went on a short trip to greet the Winter North Sea and had a great time: the low season made it calm and we weren't bothered by the clouds and wind. Except for the storm the week after that, wow! I encountered a CD shop by accident, Mike made me buy a lot of those, and it got me thinking about how to re-evaluate my music listening habits. A week later and a NAS richer, another week of fooling around with new hardware---it's like a toy for a techie---flew by before I knew it. It's been great fun so far. I'm exploring my parent's CD collection right now and have to admit that I'm pretty bad at naming eighties songs, although I do recognize a lot of the tunes. That's what happens when you turn to the Shaolin side. I'm ripping a bunch of _De Pre Historie_ (a popular Flemish pop collection) seventies and eighties albums as I type this to alleviate my laughable classic music knowledge. Previous month in review: [January 2022](/post/2022/02/january-2022) ### Books I've read - [Verdwaalde stad](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36402290-verdwaalde-stad) (_Lost city_) by Jean-Paul van Bendegem. A disappointingly pedantic writing style with postscripts upon postscripts that had me discard the book prematurely. Too bad since the philosophical theme of wanderings in and around cities sounded appealing. - [L. De lezer van de 19de eeuw](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59336765-l-de-lezer-van-de-19de-eeuw) (_L. The reader of the 19th century_) by Marita Mathijsen. A lovingly well-put together literary history book on the Low Lands in the 19th century chuck full of beautiful scans and a smooth writing style. Recommended for Dutchies. I still have to take a look at _Histories_ and stuff from _Homer_---something I promised myself I'd do in the beginning of this year. Lots of time left in 2022, right? ### Games I've played Way too little. I haven't even found the time to review any of them. - Puzzle Quest by Infinite Interactive on the Nintendo DS. I think I played exactly thirty minutes. Can't say much yet, except that it's damn hard on the normal difficulty level, something I didn't expect form a bejeweled clone! - Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes by Capybara Games on the Nintendo DS. This is a deeply satisfying turn-based Tetris-like take on the puzzle game genre infused with RPG elements and I love it to bits---even though it has little to nothing to do with the Might & Magic universe as I know it from the eighties and nineties PC games. ### Selected blog posts - [Git is not version control](https://blog.feld.me/posts/2018/01/git-is-not-revision-control/) by Feld - [Visualising 100 Wu-Tang Clan albums](https://towardsdatascience.com/visualising-the-albums-of-wu-tang-clan-246ea75efdac) by Stephen Titmus (Warning: Medium) - [Taking my data back from Eufy](https://kn100.me/taking-back-data-from-eufy/) by Kevin Norman - [The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not What You Think It Is And Also May Not Exist](https://linusluu.wordpress.com/2021/12/12/the-dunning-kruger-effect-is-probably-not-what-you-think-it-is-and-also-may-not-exist/) by Linus Luu - [NaNoFinMo](https://thoughts.natedickson.com/nanofinmo) or _Nate's National Novel Finishing Month_ by Nate Dickson - [Instant Messaging Apps](https://roytang.net/2022/02/im-apps/) by Roy Tang ### Other random links - [Firebog.net](https://firebog.net/): A (Pi-Hole) blacklist/blocklist collection - [Blue SCSi](https://bluescsi.onegeekarmy.eu/): A SCSi to SD interface for your retro computing gear! - [LibreWolf](https://librewolf.net): a Firefox fork with more privacy in mind---given the latest weird marketing and ad-oriented moves from Mozilla... - [A Data Visualisation Catalogue](https://datavizcatalogue.com/index.html) in case you're out of inspiration - [Mail Tester dot com](https://www.mail-tester.com), a neat tool to double-check your DMARK, SPF, and DKIM DNS headers. --- I haven't enjoyed this month as much as the previous one, nor did I collect _really_ interesting stuff. Hopefully March will bring more enjoyment (and sun...).