--- title: "Burnout Guru Causes Burnout" date: 2023-05-22T21:01:00+02:00 categories: - braindump tags: - burnout - work --- The University of Brussels (VUB) started an internal investigation against well-known Flemish clinical psychology professor Elke Van Hoof, who already received complaints before for toxic leadership, reports [VRT NNWS](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/05/05/vub-voert-intern-onderzoek-naar-psychologieprofessor-elke-van-ho/). When Van Hoof worked at another university, UHasselt, similar problems emerged, causing her contract not to be prolonged. These reports are not uncommon in highly competitive work environments, but this time, it's quite remarkable, as Van Hoof is an expert on stress and burnout. Her entire team (7 people) quit and filed a complaint that their well-being was severely compromised, edging on burnout (and intimidation, according to the article). A burnout guru causing mass burnouts herself, isn't that ironic. A few days later, VRT NWS publishes [another article](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/05/09/de-spectaculaire-burn-out-behandeling-die-dan-toch-niet-zo-spect/) claiming that Van Hoof's "spectacular burnout treatment" isn't that spectacular after all: the quickly trademarked "Insourcing" therapy that supposedly saves employers `€100.000` per sick employee lacks any firm scientific proof, yet with firm political bonds, decision makers seem to blindly follow her recommendations. Recommendations such as "go back to work as quickly as possible, preferably within 1.5 months". Music to the ears of employers that only care about profit: saving hundreds of thousands and having a workforce back up their feet in no-time, great! Except that---depending on the situation, of course---these recommendations can cause more harm than good. I know by experience as my wife suffered from a severe burnout thanks to a boss exactly like Van Hoof: one that loves pushing people around, taking credit for your hard work, paying little to nothing, and yelling when things go rough. It is sad to see so many narcissistic people who somehow worked or bought themselves in management roles where it is even easier to let that grand personality flourish---at the cost of the employees. But hey, they're replaceable. From the above articles, we also learn that Van Hoof is great at directing all the attention to herself and taking credit for everything while most of her staff did the hard work. Who do you think is first author on major publications? Who do you think did most of the work? Exactly. I won't be surprised if some of the data was tampered with. Narcissistic people usually first deny and then kick and scream until they get what they want. In a third [VRT NWS article](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/05/12/omstreden-vub-professor-elke-van-hoof-reageert-op-aantijgingen-o/), three days after the second, Van Hoof claims not to have received any official complaints, and never made the claim that Insourcing was effectively (based on) scientific research. Further evidence of child-like behavior is easily found in one of these articles: > Some contacts say that Van Hoof has "long toes" [easily offended] and would not hesitate to call in a lawyer if her image is damaged. It's all very sensitive. My blood pressure always rises a bit when I read about narcissistic misbehavior. My wife has had to suffer through intimidation and more for more than a year, and her perfectionism and eagerness to please and help others only made things worse. She worked for a lawyer---stereotypical? Perhaps. The worst part is that these people always know how to squeeze the lemon---_your_ lemon. The fact that Van Hoof is an appointed professor who in Flanders is called "the burnout prof" makes this entire situation even more baffling. We bought her book years ago, [Eerste hulp bij Stress & Burn-Out](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36369230) (_First Aid by Stress & Burnout_) but were very dissatisfied to read "stress is good" (which reads as _get over it_[^cutc]) and "go back to work as fast as possible" (which reads as _you're not sick, poser_). Perhaps it all makes sense now. Society doesn't care about disabled or longtime sick people, so no wonder politicians love her mantras. If you have been mistreated for years at work and are out due to a severe burnout, like my wife did, going back to work after a couple of months is guaranteed to push that burnout into a big depression. There is your empiric evidence. [^cutc]: I'm cutting a lot of corners here, I know, of course a healthy dose of stress is "good", but the problem is, that "good" is subjective, hard to quantify, and dangerous to use in context of a burnout, as those are very personal experiences as well.