--- title: "The 7 Dimensions of Highly Creative Programmers on Tech Lead Journal" date: 2024-02-06T16:00:00+01:00 categories: - programming - education tags: - creativity - book - podcasts - interview --- A few months ago, I was interviewed by Henry Suryawirawan of the Tech Lead Journal podcast about my book [The Creative Programmer](/works/the-creative-programmer). [The episode, #161](https://techleadjournal.dev/episodes/161/), was published yesterday, so be sure to give it a listen! Here's how Henry summarized our hour-long conversation: > Wouter Groeneveld is a software engineer, computer science education researcher, and the author of “The Creative Programmer”. In this episode, Wouter dives deep into what makes good engineers truly exceptional: creativity! Wouter describes his definition of creativity and shares the 7 key dimensions of a creative programmer---from technical mastery to embracing constraints and being curious. Listen to the episode to take your coding to the next level and unleash your inner creativity as a software engineer! ![](../techleadjournal.jpg "Tech Lead Journal #161") Listen to the episode using your favorite Podcast app by subscribing to _Tech Lead Journal_, or online via https://techleadjournal.dev/episodes/161/. A summary and even a full transcript is available in the link. Thanks Henry for the thought-provoking conversation! I have another interview with the SE-Radio podcast coming up soon so look forward to that as well. Hopefully it'll spark a few creative thoughts---and improve my terrible English accent. Be sure to drop your feedback in my inbox. I'm looking forward to answering questions and discussing creative problem solving with you!