--- title: "Hi, I’m Wouter Groeneveld" subtitle: "" bigimg: About Me.jpg accent: purple disableComments: true --- And I'm currently an experienced multiclass ... ### ... Baker I hold a professional bread baker's degree so naturally I love to think of myself as a real baker. I highly respect the craft and enjoy kneading dough with my hands. I specialize in _sourdough bread_, as you can read at my [bread baking blog](https://redzuurdesem.be). I've written a book on [the science of sourdough bread](https://redzuurdesem.be/het-boek) (in Dutch). ### ... Researcher I am a PhD researcher at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, KU Leuven. My academic research focuses on identifying and amplifying non-technical skills in software engineering education, primarily targetting _creative problem solving_. I sometimes [blog about my work](/tags/phd). ### ... Programmer I'm an experienced software engineer and took on various roles from agile coaching to technical lead. I hold a Master of Computer Science. I also dabble in open source, have a peek at https://git.brainbaking.com/. I’m a big Test Driven Development advocate. I teach software engineering techniques in both industry and academia. ### ... Writer I like fountain pens and [journaling](/tags/journaling/). I love jotting down stuff and possibly converting that into blog posts, academic articles, books, or any other medium where I can express my enthusiasm. ### ... Teacher Transforming knowledge into well-digestible material is my mission. As they say: _the best way to learn something is to teach it_ - I couldn't agree more. Besides various formal teaching assignments at KU Leuven, I've also coached software developers in different companies, and occasionally organize bread baking workshops. --- Buy Me a Coffee If you found my work amusing and/or helpful, you can buy me a coffee [via Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld) or [via PayPal](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R2WTKY7G9V2KQ)---if you don't mind I'll use it to drink a cup of tea instead. I also like to hear your feedback via: - Mastodon: [@wouter@chat.brainbaking.com](https://chat.brainbaking.com/@wouter) - (encrypted) e-mail: say hello. Thanks! --- ## What's a _multiclass_? [Multiclassing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_class_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)#Multiclassing) in Dungeons & Dragons (yes, I'm also a nerd) allows your character to advance in more than one class. Instead of playing as the conventional mage or fighter, you can be both. This concept neatly summarizes my vision of a profession. There are multiple concepts all defining the same thing: - Emilie Wapnick uses the term [multipotentialite](https://puttylike.com/terminology/). A multipotentialite is _someone with many interests and creative pursuits_. - Philosopher Johann von Wowern wrote in 1603 about [_polymaths_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymath): _knowledge of various matters, drawn from all kinds of studies [...] ranging freely through all the fields of the disciplines, as far as the human mind, with unwearied industry, is able to pursue them_. - Another lovely term is _renaissance men_: _a person with many talents or areas of knowledge_. Da Vinci is the prime example of such a man. Of course I couldn't possibly live up to these expectations. The notion of a [homo universalis](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uomo_universale) might also be stretching it a bit too far. I used to be only good at programming because I thought, as a Computer Scientist, you specialize instead of generalize. But the more I worked with computers, the more my hands itched to do something else. So nowadays I love to go wide and pass on that enthusiasm for knowledge on any level. --- ## Where good ideas come from: books I keep an active Goodreads account where I manage everything I've read and want to read. I invite you to join the community there. Marking a book as read and writing a (short) review never was that satisfying... I used to be almost exclusively a fantasy reader. Now I mostly read non-fiction on the most diverse topics, but I do have a soft spot for things like philosophy, art, mindful food and software engineering. These are the latest 12 books I've read: