--- title: Tech Blog icontag: tech --- > No Art and Science serve alone;
Patience must in the work be shown. Goethe A continuous pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons is called [Lifelong learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelong_learning). As a great deal of my life is dedicated to Computer Science, so it's only natural to do some heavy [_Brain Baking_](/) work in that technical area of expertise. I discovered that in order for me to teach and inspire others, I first had to teach and inspire myself. You are looking at the result of that work. I wanted to make the profound difference clear between a [technical blog](/post) and [essayistic works](/essays) by separating them in different categories, each with their own intention and language. I mainly write about the following topics: {{< popular-categories >}}. Besides these posts, I also write about retro PC/Handheld gaming and bread baking on sister websites of Brain Baking: [Jefklak's Retro Codex](https://jefklakscodex.com) and [Red Zuurdesem](https://redzuurdesem.be), respectively. Not finding what you're looking for? [Browse the archives](/tags).