[ { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "", "content": "More nineties collecting nostalgia. After I wrote about it at https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/05/nineties-collecting-nostalgia/ my wife dug up a shoebox full of… well… judge for yourself. From left to right:Kinder Surprise figurines, Polly Pock...", "published": "2021-05-13T15:20:00+00:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/13h15m20s00/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/13h15m20s00/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/05/nineties-collecting-nostalgia/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/05/nineties-collecting-nostalgia/" }, { "author": { "name": "Henrique Dias", "picture": "/pictures/hacdias.com" }, "name": "Site Ideas", "content": "A bunch of ideas for my website that might never get implemented.Wanna know more about the website? Check out the meta page!Reading sectionCreate backend interface to edit reads / progress / info.IndieWeb meta tags?Notes sectionMerge small notes if p...", "published": "2021-05-11T10:14:02+01:00", "url": "https://hacdias.com/notes/site-ideas/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://hacdias.com/notes/site-ideas", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/using-hugo-to-launch-a-gemini-capsule/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/04/using-hugo-to-launch-a-gemini-capsule/" }, { "author": { "name": "Peter Rukavina", "picture": "/pictures/zylstra.org" }, "name": "I am blessed, here in Charlottetown, with an independent bookshop, The Bookmark, that has an owner who is a pen lover, and has worked very hard to cultivate a pen community and a stock of pens and inks to support it. The price difference between shopping locally and shopping online isn’t great, and I think there’s an awareness in the community that we need to fuel the shop to ensure its longevity.", "content": "I am blessed, here in Charlottetown, with an independent bookshop, The Bookmark, that has an owner who is a pen lover, and has worked very hard to cultivate a pen community and a stock of pens and inks to support it. The price difference between shop...", "published": "2021-05-06T14:05:10+02:00", "url": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/05/16302/?replytocom=139627", "type": "mention", "source": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/05/16302/?replytocom=139627", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/05h20m35s19/", "relativeTarget": "/notes/2021/05/05h20m35s19/" }, { "author": { "name": "Ton Zijlstra", "picture": "/pictures/zylstra.org" }, "name": "", "content": "In reply to Wouter’s posting on eyeing a new fountain pen.\nMy friend Peter Rukavina enjoys fountain pens a lot too. He recently posted about a TWSBI pen where each one is slightly unique due to the colorisation of the titanium used. You should prob...", "published": "2021-05-05T10:12:38+02:00", "url": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/05/16302/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/05/16302/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/03h20m35s56/", "relativeTarget": "/notes/2021/05/03h20m35s56/" }, { "author": { "name": "https://dfarq.homeip.net/is-collecting-retro-games-worth-it/", "picture": "/pictures/anonymous" }, "name": "Is collecting retro games worth it? - The Silicon Underground", "content": "Is collecting retro games worth it? - The Silicon Underground", "published": "2021-05-04T13:00:55+01:00", "url": "https://dfarq.homeip.net/is-collecting-retro-games-worth-it/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://dfarq.homeip.net/is-collecting-retro-games-worth-it/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/02/the-insanity-of-retro-game-collecting/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/02/the-insanity-of-retro-game-collecting/" }, { "author": { "name": "Chris Aldrich", "picture": "/pictures/boffosocko.com" }, "name": "I’ve got a couple of starters already. I need to focus on making bread more often than once every week or two. I’m also about to embark on a kimchi experiment and am two weeks into a regular cycle of sauerkraut. I’ve also got lots fermenting in a few Obsidian, TiddlyWiki, and MediaWiki notebooks as well; glad to see others are doing something similar.\nOn the Webemention front, I’m aware that it’s something that could happen. I’m only sending one from my site. You’re getting the second because you’ve set up your site to receive them from Brid.gy as well—that’s not something over which I have control. Some in the IndieWeb space have set up code to de-duplicate webmentions from syndicated copies. If it becomes an issue for you, maybe it’s worth looking into? In practice it’s only something I see a few time a year.", "content": "I’ve got a couple of starters already. I need to focus on making bread more often than once every week or two. I’m also about to embark on a kimchi experiment and am two weeks into a regular cycle of sauerkraut. I’ve also got lots fermenting in...", "published": "2021-05-02T12:11:30-07:00", "url": "https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/?replytocom=320838", "type": "mention", "source": "https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/?replytocom=320838", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/01h19m35s42/", "relativeTarget": "/notes/2021/05/01h19m35s42/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "@https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/ thank...", "content": "@https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/ thanks! You should get a sourdough started soon. This will get you into fermenting stuff. Next, try to ripen ideas in a journal. It’ll work wonders!Interesting “Twitter of our own” talk. Are you awar...", "published": "2021-05-01T19:35:00+00:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/01h19m35s42/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/05/01h19m35s42/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/", "relativeTarget": "/" }, { "author": { "name": "Chris Aldrich", "picture": "/pictures/brid.gy" }, "name": "I sort of like the idea of \"Brain Baking\" as a framing for lifelong learning with a bit of commonplace book or digital gardening thrown in. You can't help but love naming short notes as \"new half-baked ideas\".\nbrainbaking.com\n(boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/557…)", "content": "I sort of like the idea of \"Brain Baking\" as a framing for lifelong learning with a bit of commonplace book or digital gardening thrown in. You can't help but love naming short notes as \"new half-baked ideas\".\nbrainbaking.com\n(boffosocko.com/2021/04/...", "published": "2021-04-27T19:45:53+00:00", "url": "https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1387130900962443264", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brid.gy/post/twitter/ChrisAldrich/1387130900962443264", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/", "relativeTarget": "/" }, { "author": { "name": "Chris Aldrich", "picture": "/pictures/boffosocko.com" }, "name": "", "content": "I sort of like the idea of “Brain Baking” as a framing for lifelong learning with a bit of commonplace book or digital gardening thrown in. You can’t help but love naming short notes as “new half-baked ideas”.", "published": "2021-04-27T12:44:49-07:00", "url": "https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/27/55790631/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/", "relativeTarget": "/" }, { "author": { "name": "Frank Meeuwsen", "picture": "/pictures/diggingthedigital.com" }, "name": "S02E39 – Een terugblik op de eerste Obsidian meetup", "content": "Vrienden! \n\n\n\nIn plaats van een reguliere nieuwsbrief, deze keer wat anders!\n\n\n\nAfgelopen zaterdag vond de eerste Nederlandstalige Obsidian Meetup plaats. Geheel online natuurlijk. Ik heb al vaker over Obsidian geschreven, het is een notitie-app die ...", "published": "2021-04-26T10:14:09+01:00", "url": "https://diggingthedigital.com/s02e39-een-terugblik-op-de-eerste-obsidian-meetup/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://diggingthedigital.com/s02e39-een-terugblik-op-de-eerste-obsidian-meetup/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brid.gy" }, "name": "@ton Frank zijn webmention geeft als publicatie datum \"26 April 2021\" terwijl ik een ISO8601 formaat verwacht, en ik blijkbaar niet mooi dit opvang, bijgevolg crasht het genereren van html pagina's... *zucht* Aan het fixen nu!", "content": "@ton Frank zijn webmention geeft als publicatie datum \"26 April 2021\" terwijl ik een ISO8601 formaat verwacht, en ik blijkbaar niet mooi dit opvang, bijgevolg crasht het genereren van html pagina's... *zucht* Aan het fixen nu!", "published": "2021-04-26T08:48:37+00:00", "url": "https://chat.brainbaking.com/objects/ff01cf37-4e01-4302-a906-ef6c9c50e151", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brid.gy/comment/mastodon/@ton@m.tzyl.nl/106130620783611779/106130762506089160", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/" }, { "author": { "name": "Ton Zijlstra", "picture": "/pictures/zylstra.org" }, "name": "", "content": "Don’t worry, I mostly blog in English, sometimes in Dutch and seldomly in German. My notes reflect much the same thing, they’re a mix of those languages, plus source material in a few languages more. How to deal with multilingual blogging has bee...", "published": "2021-04-25T20:31:11+02:00", "url": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/04/16112/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/04/16112/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/04/the-first-dutch-obsidian-meetup/" }, { "author": { "name": "Webmention Rocks!", "picture": "/pictures/webmention.rocks" }, "name": "Receiver Test #1", "content": "This test verifies that you accept a Webmention request that contains a valid source and target URL. To pass this test, your Webmention endpoint must return either HTTP 200, 201 or 202 along with the appropriate headers.\n If your endpoint retu...", "published": "2021-04-25T03:49:45-07:00", "url": "https://webmention.rocks/receive/1", "type": "mention", "source": "https://webmention.rocks/receive/1/0ae8c8642f0e3bbc75ff2b6147b3a06f", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/" }, { "author": { "name": "Ton Zijlstra", "picture": "/pictures/zylstra.org" }, "name": "Nabeschouwing: de eerste Nederlandstalige Obsidian meet-up", "content": "De allereerste Nederlandstalige meet-up van Obsidian.md gebruikers was interessant en leuk! We waren met z’n vieren, Sebastiaan, Wouter, Frank en ik, en spraken bijna 2 uur met elkaar. Leuk om te vergelijken waarom en hoe we notities maken in Obsid...", "published": "2021-04-25T11:24:48+02:00", "url": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/04/nabeschouwing-de-eerste-nederlandstalige-obsidian-meet-up/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/04/nabeschouwing-de-eerste-nederlandstalige-obsidian-meet-up/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com", "relativeTarget": "" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "Note to self: attend the Indieweb event \"Webmenti...", "content": "Note to self: attend the Indieweb event “Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io” at May 15 - @https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA - to convince everyone to also implement pingbacks 😈 RSVP: yes", "published": "2021-04-24T10:06:00+00:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/04/24h10m06s51/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/04/24h10m06s51/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/", "relativeTarget": "/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "I changed my mind on my toot syndication to brainb...", "content": "I changed my mind on my toot syndication to brainbaking.com policy. From now on, only non-replies (in-reply-to) get pushed to https://brainbaking.com/notes/ - it was cluttering up the RSS feed and most replies are useless to non-followers anyway. Sor...", "published": "2021-03-20T13:27:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/20h13m27s36/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/20h13m27s36/", "target": "http://brainbaking.com", "relativeTarget": "" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "I changed my mind on my toot syndication to brainb...", "content": "I changed my mind on my toot syndication to brainbaking.com policy. From now on, only non-replies (in-reply-to) get pushed to https://brainbaking.com/notes/ - it was cluttering up the RSS feed and most replies are useless to non-followers anyway. Sor...", "published": "2021-03-20T13:27:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/20h13m27s36/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/20h13m27s36/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/", "relativeTarget": "/notes/" }, { "author": { "name": "Jamie Tanna", "picture": "/pictures/jvt.me" }, "name": "", "content": "Recommended read:\nThe IndieWeb Mixed Bag - Thoughts about the (d)evolution of blog interactions\nhttps://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/", "published": "2021-03-15T12:42:00+00:00", "url": "https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/03/1bkre/", "type": "bookmark", "source": "https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/03/1bkre/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "@rsolva that's a lie indeed 😁 see https://brainba...", "content": "@rsolva that’s a lie indeed 😁 see https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/ I use davx5 and it works flawlessly", "published": "2021-03-13T09:58:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/13h09m58s25/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/13h09m58s25/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "I've been fiddling with IndieWeb stuff the last week and all in all, I think it's a mixed...", "content": "I've been fiddling with IndieWeb stuff the last week and all in all, I think it's a mixed bag: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/@kev after I published it, I found out your \"removing support for indieweb\" post. Seems like we...", "published": "2021-03-09T15:17:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/09h15m17s30/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/09h15m17s30/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/03/the-indieweb-mixed-bag/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "Heads up RSS feed readers of brainbaking.com! Federated half-baked thoughts (https://brainbaking....", "content": "Heads up RSS feed readers of brainbaking.com! Federated half-baked thoughts (https://brainbaking.com/notes/) are now integrated in /index.xml 🤓. Don't like that? Subscribe to /post/index.xml instead! Next up: webmentions, PESOS-ing of Goodreads revi...", "published": "2021-03-03T16:00:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/03h16m00s44/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/03h16m00s44/", "target": "http://brainbaking.com", "relativeTarget": "" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "Heads up RSS feed readers of brainbaking.com! Federated half-baked thoughts (https://brainbaking....", "content": "Heads up RSS feed readers of brainbaking.com! Federated half-baked thoughts (https://brainbaking.com/notes/) are now integrated in /index.xml 🤓. Don't like that? Subscribe to /post/index.xml instead! Next up: webmentions, PESOS-ing of Goodreads revi...", "published": "2021-03-03T16:00:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/03h16m00s44/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/03h16m00s44/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/", "relativeTarget": "/notes/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "@StampedingLonghorn @256 Don't forget the cleverly hidden Roland MT-32, a majestic piece of p...", "content": "@StampedingLonghorn @256 Don't forget the cleverly hidden Roland MT-32, a majestic piece of pre-MIDI standardized era synthesizer. What else would you use to run Sierra Online games, and monkey1? I really need one for my 486… https://brainbaking.com/...", "published": "2021-03-02T17:13:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/02h17m13s27/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/02h17m13s27/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/02/my-retro-desktop-setup/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/02/my-retro-desktop-setup/" }, { "author": { "name": "Wouter Groeneveld", "picture": "/pictures/brainbaking.com" }, "name": "I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-ri...", "content": "I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/ Very impressed so far! Also rely on my own CalDAV server to replace GCalendar. Any others here running #lineageos for priv...", "published": "2021-03-01T20:03:00", "url": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/01h20m03s35/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://brainbaking.com/notes/2021/03/01h20m03s35/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/" }, { "author": { "name": "Jefklak", "picture": "/pictures/jefklakscodex.com" }, "name": "Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield - 17 Years Later", "content": "It’s amazing that the second disk is still readable by my Retro WinXP machine. It has been heavily abused in 2003 and the years after that. Rainbow Six' third installment, Raven Shield (or simply RvS), is quite a departure from the crude looking Rogu...", "published": "2020-11-01", "url": "https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/retrospectives/raven-shield-17-years-later/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/retrospectives/raven-shield-17-years-later/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2020/10/building-a-core2duo-winxp-retro-pc/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2020/10/building-a-core2duo-winxp-retro-pc/" }, { "author": { "name": "Jefklak", "picture": "/pictures/jefklakscodex.com" }, "name": "Reviews from 2001 revived!", "content": "Good news everyone! Futurama might not be back, but old PC gaming previews and reviews from UnionVault.NET, one of Jefklak’s Codex ancestors, have been revived. I happened to stumble upon a few readable HTML files wile looking for something else and ...", "published": "2020-09-25", "url": "https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/features/reviews-from-2001-revived/", "type": "mention", "source": "https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/features/reviews-from-2001-revived/", "target": "https://brainbaking.com/post/2020/09/reviving-a-80486/", "relativeTarget": "/post/2020/09/reviving-a-80486/" } ]