--- title: "DS Doom" image: "/img/works/dsdoom.jpg" description: "A PrBoom-based port of DOOM on the Nintendo DS." type: "code" date: 2006-10-01 --- In 2006, together with Chuck Moyes (as _TheChuckster_) and Dave Murphy (as _WinterMute_), I helped port the popular iD game DOOM to the Nintendo DS and DSi. DS Doom is a source port, based on PrBoom 2.4.2. The latest official version is 1.2.1. Being a homebrew application, it required the use of a DS flash card---such as the [DS X-Treme](https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/ds-xtreme-cartridge/) I used---or a modded DSi/3DS in order to play it on your handheld. - DS Doom Wiki explaining features of the build: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/DS_Doom - My original DS Doom website (Via archive.org): https://web.archive.org/web/20100921033822/http://www.jefklak.com/games/ds-doom/ - Archived DS Doom source code: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/source/dsdooms You can see a development version of the game running on my DS Lite: ![](/img/works/dsdoom.jpg "Will it run DOOM? Yes it does!") Most of my work concentrated on the second screen and the map buffer. Save state support worked since version 1.1.0 Rev 1---see the archived changelog for more information. We never managed to get the soundtrack working on the `ARM7TDMI`, the second DS CPU. The port was written in C++.