--- title: "Designing websites with accessibility in mind" date: '2020-06-04' subtitle: "A little bit of effort makes your site more inclusive for everyone." tags: - accessibility categories: - webdesign --- In my last post about [webdesign](/tags/webdesign) called "[tracking and privacy on websites](post/2020/06/tracking-and-privacy-on-websites/)", I ended with a list of things you need to take into account when building a website - of which **accessibility** is one that is most often overlooked. Something I'm also guilty of. Here's my own howto report and effort to open up Brain Baking for everyone, learning how to design websites with accessibility in mind. ### 1. Use Semantic HTML5 tags This might not come as a shocker to anyone, but it's still not that frequently applied, sadly. Most bootstrap-based websites are just a pile of `
` and `` containers chunked together with some CSS styling thrown on top. A template or downloaded theme might be rendered as: ```html
bla at today
more related stuff
``` Instead of relying on `display: block`, write something like this: ```html
more related stuff
Brain baking
``` The structure stays the same, but the elements change. The end result is exactly the same in your conventional browser, but it's easier to crawl by search engines - and especially software for people with disabilities. Other things to keep in mind: - Use `