dump jquery and bootstrap! yay!

This commit is contained in:
wgroeneveld 2020-05-29 17:39:33 +02:00
parent c10dd17294
commit 97d716af06
24 changed files with 679 additions and 167 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ enableGitInfo = true
disableComments = true
accent = "purple"
showBorder = true
copyright = "No <i class='fa fa-copyright'></i> reserved - sharing is caring. <i class='fa fa-github'></i> <a href='https://github.com/wgroeneveld/brainbaking/'>Hack away</a>! <i class='fa fa-lightbulb-o'></i> <a href='/'>Brain Baking</a>"
copyright = "No <i class='fa fa-copyright'></i> reserved - sharing is caring. <svg class='icon icon-small'><use xlink:href='#github'></use></svg> <a href='https://github.com/wgroeneveld/brainbaking/'>Hack away</a>! <svg class='icon icon-small'><use xlink:href='#bulb'></use></svg> <a href='/'>Brain Baking</a>"
name = "Wouter Groeneveld"
@ -55,31 +55,31 @@ enableGitInfo = true
name = "Tech Blog"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i>"
pre = "<svg><use xlink:href='#tech'></use></svg> "
url = "/post"
weight = 1
name = "Essays"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-book'></i>"
pre = "<svg><use xlink:href='#book'></use></svg> "
url = "/essays"
weight = 2
name = "Tags"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-tags'></i>"
pre = "<svg><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg> "
url = "/tags"
weight = 3
name = "About Me"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-user'></i>"
pre = "<svg><use xlink:href='#about'></use></svg> "
url = "/about"
weight = 4
name = "Teaching"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-graduation-cap'></i>"
pre = "<svg><use xlink:href='#teaching'></use></svg> "
url = "/teaching"
weight = 5

View File

@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ Those areas of knowledge include:
* I love dynamic languages. I have taught Javascript as a dynamic and functional language. Every excuse to write in something dynamic is a good one.
* Pair programming used as a tool to learn from each other and to improve code quality are two values I firmly believe in.
Take a look at my [<i class='fa fa-github'></i>&nbsp;Github account](https://github.com/wgroeneveld) or [<i class='fa fa-paperclip'></i>&nbsp;Curriculum Vitae](/files/groeneveldw_cv.pdf) in Dutch.
Take a look at my [<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#github'></use></svg>Github account](https://github.com/wgroeneveld).
#### Baking
* I hold a [professional bread baker's degree](/post/learning-to-become-a-baker/) so naturally I love to think of myself as a real baker.
* My passion within baking is [<i class='fa fa-flask'></i>&nbsp;sourdough bread](https://redzuurdesem.be), spreading the word by organizing workshops to repopularize its use.
* My passion within baking is [<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#bread'></use></svg>sourdough bread](https://redzuurdesem.be), spreading the word by organizing workshops to repopularize its use.
#### Writing and philosophizing
* I'm a [fountain pen addict](/post/fountain-pens-first-look/) and avid [<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>&nbsp;journaler](/post/journaling-in-practice/).
* I'm a [fountain pen addict](/post/fountain-pens-first-look/) and avid [<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#book'></use></svg>journaler](/post/journaling-in-practice/).
* This website[^1] is the ideal base for writing down my thoughts about virtually anything, primarily intended to amuse myself and not others.
* I like to integrate Philosophical and Psychological approaches into my research.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Take a look at my [<i class='fa fa-github'></i>&nbsp;Github account](https://git
### Where good ideas come from: books
I keep an active <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5451893-wouter" target="_blank"><i class='fa fa-book'></i>&nbsp;Goodreads</a> account where I manage everything I've read and want to read. I invite you to join the community there. Marking a book as read and writing a (short) review never was that satisfying...
I keep an active <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5451893-wouter" target="_blank"><svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#goodreads'></use></svg>Goodreads</a> account where I manage everything I've read and want to read. I invite you to join the community there. Marking a book as read and writing a (short) review never was that satisfying...
I used to be almost exclusively a fantasy reader. Now I mostly read non-fiction on the most diverse topics, but I do have a soft spot for things like philosophy, art, mindful food and software engineering.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Essays
icontag: fa-book
icontag: book
> Filosofie is voor het vinden van een baan misschien het minst bruikbaar van alle studies, maar het is niettemin de beste studie. - Aristoteles

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
title: Tech Blog
icontag: fa-file-code-o
icontag: tech
> No Art and Science serve alone; Patience must in the work be shown. - Goethe
A continuous pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons is called [Lifelong learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelong_learning). As a great deal of my life is dedicated to Computer Science, so it's only natural to do some heavy [_Brain Baking_](/) work in that technical area of expertise. I discovered that in order for me to teach and inspire others, I first had to teach and inspire myself. You are looking at the result of that work.
I wanted to make the profound difference clear between a [<i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i>&nbsp;technical blog](/post) and [<i class='fa fa-book'></i>&nbsp;essayistic works](/essays) by separating them in different categories, each with their own intention and language.
I wanted to make the profound difference clear between a [<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#tech'></use></svg>technical blog](/post) and [<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#book'></use></svg>essayistic works](/essays) by separating them in different categories, each with their own intention and language.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Tags
icontag: fa-tags
icontag: tag
> The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. - Russell

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{{ partial "header" . }}
<div class="intro">
{{ with .Site.Params.profilePic }} <img class="profile" src="{{ . }}"> {{ end }}
@ -19,22 +18,22 @@
<blockquote class="text-justify" style="clear: both;">
<em><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/">Brain Baking</a>:</em> transforming
<em><svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#bulb'></use></svg><a href="/">Brain Baking</a>:</em> transforming
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">
<i class='fa fa-user'></i>&nbsp;<a href="/about">personal</a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#about'></use></svg><a href="/about">personal</a>
</span> thoughts about thoughts into
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">
<i class='fa fa-graduation-cap'></i>&nbsp;<a href="/teaching">well-digestible</a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#teaching'></use></svg><a href="/teaching">well-digestible</a>
</span> material. The reflective aroma of burnt nervous tissue. <br/>
Includes a crispy crust of relations between
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">
<i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i>&nbsp;<a href="/post">technology</a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#tech'></use></svg><a href="/post">technology</a>
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">
<i class='fa fa-book'></i>&nbsp;<a href="/essays">philosophy</a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#book'></use></svg><a href="/essays">philosophy</a>
</span> and
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">
<i class='fa fa-tags'></i>&nbsp;<a href="/tags">the world</a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg><a href="/tags">the world</a>
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@
<div class="freshly-baked">
<i class="fa fa-newspaper-o"></i>&nbsp;{{ markdownify .Site.Params.Description }}:
<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#news'></use></svg>{{ markdownify .Site.Params.Description }}:
{{ range (.Paginator 1).Pages.ByDate.Reverse }}
@ -53,16 +52,21 @@
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{ .Params.subtitle }}&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span style="color: lightgrey;"><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i>&nbsp;{{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}</span>
<span style="color: lightgrey;"><svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#cal1'></use></svg> {{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer" . }}
<footer style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%">
<p class="copyright text-muted">{{ .Site.Params.copyright | default "&copy; All rights reserved. Powered by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) and [Minimal](https://github.com/calintat/minimal)" | markdownify }}</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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document.querySelector('nav').addEventListener('click', function() {
if(window.getComputedStyle(navtoggle)['display'] === 'none') return;
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} else {

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@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
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margin-top: -100px

View File

@ -1,30 +1,68 @@
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@ -145,12 +132,13 @@ pre
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View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
$grey: #333
$code: #c7254e
@import 'fonts'
@import 'bootstrap-minimal'
@import 'brainbaking'
@import 'brainbaking-intro'
@import 'listing'

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{{ if .Title }}
<i class='fa {{ .Params.icontag }}'></i>&nbsp;{{ .Title }}
<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href="#{{ .Params.icontag }}"></use></svg>&nbsp;{{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
<span class="list-date">{{ .Date.Format ("02") }}</span>
<div class="list-title">
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{ .Params.subtitle }}
{{ if isset .Params "tags" }}
<div class="list-tags">
<i class='fa fa-tags' style='color: grey;'></i>&nbsp;
<svg class='icon icon-inline'><use xlink:href="#tag"></use></svg>&nbsp;
{{ range .Params.tags }}
<a href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}tags/{{ . | urlize }}"><kbd class="item-tag">{{ . }}</kbd></a>
{{ end }}

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
{{ if $related }}
<h4 class="page-header"><i class="fa fa-newspaper-o"></i>&nbsp;Related Articles</h4>
<h4 class="page-header"><svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#news'></use></svg>Related Articles</h4>
<div class="text-justify">
{{ range $related }} {{ partial "related-item" . }} {{ end }}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<!-- commenting part -->
{{ if (not .Params.disableComments) }}
<h4 class="page-header"><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i>&nbsp;
<h4 class="page-header"><svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#discuss'></use></svg>
{{ if eq "essays" .Section }}
Discussieer mee
{{ else }}
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
{{ end }}
<h4 class="page-header">&nbsp;</h4>
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<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#up'></use></svg><a href="#top">Top</a>

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<i class='fa fa-tags'></i>&nbsp;Tagged with: <br/>"{{ .Title }}"
<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg>Tagged with: <br/>"{{ .Title }}"
<div class="list">
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
{{ if isset .Params "tags" }}
<div class="list-tags">
<i class='fa fa-tags' style='color: grey;'></i>&nbsp;
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg>
{{ range .Params.tags }}
<a href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}tags/{{ . | urlize }}"><kbd class="item-tag">{{ . }}</kbd></a>
{{ end }}

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@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
<h2><i class='fa {{ .Params.icontag }}'></i>&nbsp;{{ .Title }}</h2>
<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href="#{{ .Params.icontag }}"></use></svg>&nbsp;{{ .Title }}
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@
{{ $.Scratch.Set "curLetter" $firstChar }}
<h4 style="float: left; color: grey;">
<i class='fa fa-tag'></i>&nbsp;{{ $firstChar }}
<svg class='icon' style='position: relative; top: 5px'><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg>{{ $firstChar }}
<ul style="text-align: left; float: left; margin-left: 20px; width: 80%; list-style-type: none; border-left: #eee 1px solid;">
{{ end }}

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@ -9,9 +9,3 @@
{{- $options := (dict "targetPath" "css/styles.css" "outputStyle" "compressed" "enableSourceMap" "true") -}}
{{- $styles := resources.Get "sass/main.sass" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "main.sass" . | resources.ToCSS $options | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
<link rel = 'stylesheet' href = '{{ $styles.Permalink }}' integrity = '{{ $styles.Data.Integrity }}'>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
<p class="copyright text-muted">{{ .Site.Params.copyright | default "&copy; All rights reserved. Powered by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) and [Minimal](https://github.com/calintat/minimal)" | markdownify }}</p>

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ partial "icons" . }}
{{ partial "body-open" . }}
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
<a class="navbar-brand visible-xs" href="#">{{ .Title }}</a>
<button class="navbar-toggle" data-target=".navbar-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
<button class="navbar-toggle">
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
{{ if .Title }}
{{ with .Params.icontag }}
<i class='fa {{ . }}'></i>&nbsp;
<svg class='icon'><use xlink:href='#{{ . }}'></use></svg>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
<span style="color: grey;">
<span title="Created Date">
<i class='fa fa-calendar'></i>&nbsp;{{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#cal1'></use></svg>{{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}
<span title="Last Modified Date">
<i class='fa fa-calendar-check-o'></i>&nbsp;{{ .Lastmod.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2 January 2006") }}
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#cal2'></use></svg>{{ .Lastmod.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2 January 2006") }}
<span title="Comments">
<i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i>&nbsp;<a href="{{ .Permalink }}#commento"></a>
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#discuss'></use></svg><a href="{{ .Permalink }}#commento"></a>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
{{ if isset $.Params "tags" }}
<i class='fa fa-tags' style='color: grey;'></i>&nbsp;
<svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#tag'></use></svg>
{{ end }}
{{ range .Params.tags }}
<a href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}tags/{{ . | urlize }}"><kbd class="item-tag">{{ . }}</kbd></a>

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{{ if or .Paginator.HasPrev .Paginator.HasNext }}
<div class="pages">
{{ if .Paginator.HasPrev }}
<a class="icon pages-icon" href="{{ .Paginator.Prev.URL }}" rel="prev">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i>
{{ end }} {{ if .Paginator.HasNext }}
<a class="icon pages-icon" href="{{ .Paginator.Next.URL }}" rel="next">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
{{ .Date.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2 January 2006") | $.Scratch.Set "subtitle" }}
{{ with .Description }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "subtitle" . }} {{ end }}
{{ if isset $.Params "subtitle" }}
{{ .Params.subtitle }} <span style="color: lightgrey;"><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i>&nbsp;{{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}</span>
{{ .Params.subtitle }} <span style="color: lightgrey;"><svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#cal1'></use></svg> {{ $.Scratch.Get "subtitle" }}</span>
{{ end }}