removed pinterest shortcode, fixed image inlines for gemini

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Wouter Groeneveld 2021-05-25 14:35:50 +02:00
parent ed41468b4c
commit 4aba57c9c5
8 changed files with 18 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -48,13 +48,7 @@ Are you familiar with the frustrated feeling you get while visting an art supply
Price is 390 EUR. As it's only once a week, it creates the perfect opportunity for me to practice drawing "stuff" between the lessons and to experiment a bit with the different mediums.
These are some christmas-themed cards I made with cheap pastels during the third lesson:
{{< pin "308707749442493529" >}}
{{< pin "308707749442493506" >}}
{{< pin "308707749442493510" >}}
It starts out very simple, as you can see. I'm still having difficulties buying the right equipment. The pastels used above are very hard and grainy, and don't contain a lot of pigment. That is clearly visible in the gameboy one on the far left: the brown paper shouldn't be that visible. Small steps, small steps...
I made some christmas-themed cards with cheap pastels during the third lesson. It starts out very simple. I'm still having difficulties buying the right equipment. The pastels used above are very hard and grainy, and don't contain a lot of pigment. That is clearly visible in the gameboy one on the far left: the brown paper shouldn't be that visible. Small steps, small steps...
### But I suck at drawing!
@ -66,10 +60,6 @@ Each week (this sounds like a promise I'll have to make to myself) I'll post a n
As you might already have read, I started the drawing adventure with a 10-week 'illustrative techniques' course. It sounds complicated but it wasn't really: it's more of a gentle introduction in different mediums (pencil, ink, acrylic paint, ...) than a crash course in drawing techniques. I didn't know then that to draw illustrations, you still have to be able to draw. (I'm reading "drawing at the right side of the brain" and I know better now). But still, thse drawings might be fun to look at or to compare to the other weeks.
{{< pin "308707749443972926" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443972958" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443972977" >}}
These are all random drawings I did between the lessons to get myself familiar with a pencil. That sounds awful, doesn't it? Who uses pencils anyway. The left scan contains some color: that's an experiment. The brown is **bistre**, something we had to work with in the second class. The other colors are very cheap **pastels**.
So, what did I learn this week:
@ -83,9 +73,10 @@ So, what did I learn this week:
I warned you:
{{< pin "568720259163636687" >}}
![](../bistre.jpg "A drawing in bistre. Copyright Pinterest.")
This also is bistre.
## Week 2
@ -95,11 +86,7 @@ After the illustration course, I'm not ashamed to admit I completely dropped the
It also seems that I already have stuff to get ink on a paper: pens. Ballpoint pens. Black, blue, whatever. Just simple pens you use to write with - the cheaper, the better. I came across **Danny Gregory**'s work [Art before breakfast]( and [The Creative Licence]( (buy the latter one if you can). These are very inspirational books that get you kickstarted drawing from zero by learning how to see, explaning negative space and other simple techniques. It doesn't go into detail, it simply helps you get drawing.
And Danny is a fan of ink + watercolor. I immediately fell in love and knew that was what I wanted. So yes, put that pencil back where it belongs. I started trying to draw what I see:
{{< pin "308707749443972993" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443973015" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443973029" >}}
And Danny is a fan of ink + watercolor. I immediately fell in love and knew that was what I wanted. So yes, put that pencil back where it belongs. I started trying to draw what I see.
It looks a lot brighter than [week 1](/post/drawing-week-01). After drawing with a pen a few times, it felt better and better. I tried to copy Danny's style a bit by giving it some (water)color but that might be too much new stuff within a few weeks.
@ -116,19 +103,15 @@ So, what did I learn this week:
Let's take a look at what Danny does:
{{< pin "381609768399365667" >}}
{{< pin "233976143118067754" >}}
![](../danny1.jpg "Danny Gregory's drawing. Copyright Pinterest.")
## Week 3
I wanted to continue my quest of finding my own style within ink and watercolor boundaries. After the amazing discovery of [](, I switched to using Artline fineliners. I also have some Steadlers but hardly notice any difference between different felt tip pens if they have the same thickness. I found a short course by Shirish Deshpande on drawing with ink and creating some contrast and texture. The drawings in the videos are amazing and I tried to copy them to my best abilities:
{{< pin "308707749443973054" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443973073" >}}
{{< pin "308707749443973094" >}}
I wanted to continue my quest of finding my own style within ink and watercolor boundaries. After the amazing discovery of [](, I switched to using Artline fineliners. I also have some Steadlers but hardly notice any difference between different felt tip pens if they have the same thickness. I found a short course by Shirish Deshpande on drawing with ink and creating some contrast and texture. The drawings in the videos are amazing and I tried to copy them to my best abilities.
The ink flowing from a technical pen is much more intense than a standard ballpoint pen as seen in [week 2](/post/drawing-week-02). I like that a lot. It also enables me to be much more precise and that is something that I tend to do a lot. I usually draw (too) small and try to cram in as much details as possible. The thinner the felt tip pen, the better for me. (Although I borked a 005 one, those guys are very sensitive!).
@ -143,8 +126,7 @@ So, what did I learn this week:
Let's take a look at what Shirish does with his pens (and added colored ink):
{{< pin "394698354817739793" >}}
{{< pin "364299057333088725" >}}
![](../shirish.jpg "A sketch made by Shirish. Copyright Pinterest.")
He usually doesn't color with watercolor but with (diluted) colored ink. I have yet to try that.
@ -153,19 +135,9 @@ He usually doesn't color with watercolor but with (diluted) colored ink. I have
As I'm slowly getting a tiny bit better at drawing things I see, I still don't have a fundamental basis to rely on. Until I've read "[Drawing at the right side of the brian](" from Betty Edwards. Everything I've read in there came as a complete revelation to me. She explains how you should "look" at things, what is important to look out for when realisticly drawing and how values/tones work. It's an amazing book and I'm very glad I've added it to my toread list (a few years ago, I finally got around to actually reading it.)
Can you spot the difference between the portraits below?
{{< pin "308707749447642788" >}}
{{< pin "308707749447642793" >}}
Yes, I am well aware that the second portrait still looks like crap but come on, at least it shows highlights, it has a decent contour and my skull isn't "chopped off". Both drawings took me 45 minutes. I'd say that's a definitive improvement here.
Other exercises in the books concentrate on hands, interiour, chairs, ...:
{{< pin "308707749447642796" >}}
{{< pin "308707749447642801" >}}
Everything is done with a pencil. My preference is starting to lean towards 2B and 4B instead of HB.
Other exercises in the books concentrate on hands, interiour, chairs, ... Everything is done with a pencil. My preference is starting to lean towards 2B and 4B instead of HB.
So, what did I learn this week: (these are some quick oneliners that summarize each important chapter in the book)
@ -181,4 +153,3 @@ Doing these exercises gave me a real boost in confidence and motivated me to dra
Read more on how to draw better in Jen Review's [How to Draw Better]( blog post.
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@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ I made something really simple for dinner: tortilla's. That would require someth
Well, not really. I added a fermented shallot to create a sour tang and - of course - some salt. Because it had to be spreadable and because I happen to love olive oil, that was also added.
![YAGNI](/img/yagni1.png "Mozarella and beetroot in a blender.")
Three ingredients. (Salt and oil doesn't count as an ingredient in my kitchen)
That's it.

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Garlic and onions, as the star vegetable, can be tackled with ease if you grow y
The hard cheese might be a tough one if you insist on the Parmesan, which is a DOP: __Denominazione di origine protetta__. That means it's called only Parmesan if it's from a specific region Italy. But Belgium and the Netherlands **are** exceptionally good in making cheese, even hard and salty cheeses, like [Friese Nagelkaas]( Of course we said we'll stick to the recipe but instead of using Pecorino, you can try very old Dutch sheep's cheese.<br/>
'Mozzarella di bufala', one of the tastiest fresh Italian style cheeses, are almost always imported from Italy. But why? If you really bother to look, Belgium makes [it's own mozzarella di bufala]( (it shouldn't be called that because of the protective DOP label but who cares) and it's simply superior in taste. The only problem is that you'll have to drive to another shop - that might even be outside of your comfort zone.
{{< figure src="/img/buffl.jpg" title="Real local stuff, right here - if you look for it." >}}
![](/img/buffl.jpg "Real local stuff, right here - if you look for it.")
### Why are all pine nuts from China?
@ -53,12 +53,14 @@ It's a shame that people buy less and less responsible, but go out on restaurant
### Reintroducing domestic science
{{< figure src="/img/domestic.jpg" title="Image copyright" >}}
![](/img/domestic.jpg "Image copyright")
Instead of focusing on mathematics, linguistics and economics in schools, let's reintroduce household techniques as an integrated part of our youth's training course. Previously, one of the family members dedicated his/hers (usually the latter) time on grocery shopping, cooking, knowing what's good for you and what's not and knowing what grows in what season. Now, if you're lucky, you or your partner is interested in the subject or you simply like cooking and you'll end up with at least a piece of the puzzle. I was one of those people who had no general idea about seasons. Try gardening, it solves a lot of problems (but introduces new ones like snails).
The second part of my personal solution would be to **get rid of supermarkets**. I know this sounds insane and impossible in the volatile world we live in today, but instead of browsing through loads of garbage you might end up with something exceptional if you go to a market or speciality stores. This doesn't mean that the store can't be "big" or you won't find everything in the same place - chances are high you indeed won't. I used to resent the notion of having to do my weekly grocery shopping and now I look forward to it every single time. It took a long time before realizing I had to flip a switch in my head in order to achieve this mental state. Farmer's Markets are a great solution if you **take the time** to get to know the farmer. You'll learn how the wheat is milled and where the rye is grown.
Invest the time. You'll have to eat three times a day for the rest of your life. <br/>
Might as well be something nourishing.
Invest the time. You'll have to eat three times a day for the rest of your life.
It might as well be something nourishing.

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Je _kan_ via Ali Express eender wat bestellen. Dat wordt dan wel drie weken wach
Ik kijk met de ogen van een vijfendertigjarige naar achtjarige kinderen die schreeuwend van hun ouders eisen dat LEGO doos z onmiddellijk MOET worden aangekocht. Betekent dat dat ik als achtjarige nooit schreeuwde en iets graag wilde hebben? Natuurlijk niet, maar mijn ouders gaven me nooit zo snel mijn zin - en maar goed ook. Ik herinner me nog dat ik een of andere plastieken Turtle zelf mocht kiezen, maar dat ik er eerst voldoende over diende na te denken. Na de keuze is er immers geen weg terug: ik kreeg maar één exemplaar. Ik koos uiteindelijk na, volgens mij voldoende, te hebben nagedacht. Twee uur later had ik er al enorme spijt van, en wilde ik dolgraag het andere exemplaar. Ik was oprecht verdrietig, en als ik nu terugdenk aan dat nog glashelder moment, krijg ik het terug warm. Maar ik begreep ook dat ik een keuze had gemaakt, en dat ik onmogelijk beiden kon bezitten. Ik was als kind natuurlijk afhankelijk van het geld en de toestemming van mijn ouders. Die manier van verantwoordelijkheid implementeren lijkt te ontbreken bij velen. Ze willen alles. _Whatever it takes_, zoals de popliedjes zo vrolijk beschrijven. Of, _because you're worth it_. Of we er nu voor moeten schreuwen, dreigen, of twee keer op een webshop voor moeten klikken: ontvangen zullen we - en hoe.
{{< figure src="/img/tnmt.jpg" title="Nostalgie in de vorm van goede of slechte herinneringen?" >}}
![](/img/tnmt.jpg "Nostalgie in de vorm van goede of slechte herinneringen?")
Een speeltje dat niet in de lokale winkels lag kon men vroeger bestellen bij diezelfde handelaar. Dat betekende een week of twee wachten, tot de groothandelaar de juiste zaken terug aanleverde. Ondertussen kon je genieten van iets magisch: _uitkijken naar iets_. Kennen we dat eigenlijk nog? Het enige wat wij momenteel kunnen doen is uitkijken naar bepaalde dagen, want die zijn nog niet beschikbaar op bestelling. Zelfs dat klopt niet helemaal: de feestdagen beginnen elk jaar vroeger dankzij de commerciële mallemolen die ons nog meer opjut om op de 'koop nu' knop te drukken.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Na een zware werkdag, die ook nog eens eiste dat je de frustrerende files moest
Onmiddellijke voldoening heeft ook te maken met de onmiddellijke aanwezigheid van alles, dankzij de hyper verbonden wereld en de 150gr zware apparaatjes die precies een extensie van onze hand geworden zijn. Als we nu op vakantie zijn, kunnen we onmiddellijk de familie kiekjes opsturen, waarvan we uiteraard verwachten dat ze onmiddellijk bekeken worden. Wanneer mijn ouders op vakantie zijn, word ik gebombardeerd met foto's van idyllische landschappen, goedkoop bier, en veel te veel 'selfies'. Daar wordt dan onmiddellijk op gereageerd, liefst met zaken als 'leuk! (hartje) (hartje)', of 'amuseer u, hier is het nog steeds kak!'.
Vijfentwintig jaar geleden reden mijn ouders mijn zussen en mij voorbij de Spaanse grens, om een dag later het dorpscentrum in te rijden en peseta's in een telefooncel te steken, hopend op een verbonden lijn die de grootouders geruststellen dat we allemaal nog leven. Vakantiefoto's werden uiteraard pas ontwikkeld na de terugreis.
{{< figure src="/img/mediamarkt.jpg" width="60%" title="Meer wachten dan nodig? Ik ben toch niet gek!" >}}
![](/img/mediamarkt.jpg "Meer wachten dan nodig? Ik ben toch niet gek!")
Dat klinkt allemaal redelijk pessimistisch, verlangend naar een vervlogen tijdperk van telefoonkaarten in een pre-Euro zone. In feite wil ik dit zeggen: waarom is het nodig om nutteloze foto's van nietszeggende dingen door te sturen op het moment zelf, in plaats van ter plekke te genieten en het verhaal achteraf te vertellen? Want wat valt er de familie te vertellen bij de thuiskomst, als we heel de rit al veel te intens hebben meegemaakt? 'Oh ja, dat wist ik al, ik zag het op foto x'. Iedereen is al op de hoogte van elkaars reilen en zeilen voordat we mekaar effectief zien. Dat betekent dat er op het moment van weerzien maar bitter weinig te vertellen valt. En dan zijn we verwonderd dat sociale capaciteiten toch niet de grote sterktes van tegenwoordig zijn.

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