your blog should have an about page

This commit is contained in:
Wouter Groeneveld 2024-03-11 10:30:03 +01:00
parent 59c7f6cd99
commit 42c3349d9d
5 changed files with 27 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ There are multiple concepts all defining the same thing:
- Another lovely term is _renaissance men_: _a person with many talents or areas of knowledge_. Da Vinci is the prime example of such a man. Of course I couldn't possibly live up to these expectations. The notion of a [homo universalis]( might also be stretching it a bit too far.
I used to be only good at programming because I thought, as a Computer Scientist, you specialize instead of generalize. But the more I worked with computers, the more my hands itched to do something else. So nowadays I love to go wide and pass on that enthusiasm for knowledge on any level.
I used to be only good at programming because I thought, as a somputer scientist, you specialize instead of generalize. But the more I worked with computers, the more my hands itched to do something else. So nowadays I love to go wide and pass on that enthusiasm for knowledge on any level.

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@ -200,8 +200,6 @@ Gebruikslicenties van Brain Baking of gebruikslicenties van een derde partij aan
In het geval dat er toch een uitdrukkelijke en schriftelijke overdracht van een eigendomsrecht is overeengekomen tussen de partijen, blijft Brain Baking alle rechten behouden totdat de klant/opdrachtgever aan al haar verplichtingen t.o.v. Brain Baking heeft voldaan. Alle risicos in tussentijd zijn evenwel ten laste van de klant/opdrachtgever.
De klant kan, als aan alle betalingsverplichtingen voldaan zijn, de broncode op eenvoudig verzoek opvragen. In geval van de ontwikkeling van een website kan de klant een gecompileerde versie van de broncode ontvangen. In geval van de ontwikkeling van software op maat kan de klant zowel een gecompileerde versie van de broncode aanvragen, alsook een niet gecompileerde versie van de broncode De klant kan tevens een digitale back-up van de SQL-database ontvangen. De kosten om de broncode en/of andere noodzakelijke bestanden over te dragen aan de klant bedragen 300,00 EUR (excl. BTW).
De voor of na de totstandkoming van de overeenkomst aan de klant/opdrachtgever ter hand gestelde documenten zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermd en blijven eigendom van Brain Baking, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders werd overeengekomen. Zij mogen zonder toestemming van deze laatste niet door de klant worden gebruikt, gekopieerd, vermenigvuldigd, doorgegeven aan of ter kennis gebracht van derden.
De Klant/opdrachtgever is zelf verantwoordelijk voor de bewaring van aangekochte softwarelicenties en voor de activatie van Producten, ook indien er een onderhoudscontract van toepassing is. Brain Baking is niet verantwoordelijk voor verloren licenties of schade die wordt veroorzaakt door niet-werkende Producten. Brain Baking is niet verantwoordelijk voor data opgeslagen op harde schijven van de klant, noch voor back-ups of back-upsystemen.

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ A keen eye will detect random stuff in our shelves, such as:
- A thick book labeled _SOURDOUGH_;
- Boxes with the _Magic the Gathering_logo on it;
- Boxes with the _Magic the Gathering_ logo on it;
- A thick book labeled _C++_ I intend to employ in the next ritual burning session;
- Various motherboards equipped with PCI and ISA slots;
- _Race for the Galaxy_ expansion boxes on top of PC game CD/DVD boxes;

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: "Your Blog Should Have an About Page"
date: 2024-03-13T09:00:00+01:00
- webdesign
- blogging
The [site stats]( tell me that my [about page](/about) at `/about` is consistently one of the most visited pages on this website. That confirms what everyone already knows: people are very curious, sometimes even nosy.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm just as nosy as my visitors: I love clicking on `About Me` buttons as soon as I see one, and I'm disappointed when there isn't any---up to the point of me leaving the "personal" blog or not bookmarking it in my feed reader. I want to get to know the person who wrote that compelling article. What else keeps them busy in life? Bonus points for cat pics, obviously.
The question then becomes: what to put on that `/about` page? Just your professional history, making it more like a boring résumé, hoping the blog will help you land a job? Your hobbies and coordinates? Your martial status? A complete summary of the technical tools wielded and endless prowess showcased when building your custom blog engine? A list of social media links where people can also find you? How many years you've been uploading words onto a server? A selection of the most popular articles you've written so far? A lovely photo of you in a suit presenting something at an important conference?
I don't really know and I've never been happy with what's on my own about page. For some reason, I'm not creative enough to come up with anything else besides a dumb enumeration of things that keep me busy, mostly on a professional level. Not everything needs to be put online. What I do know, though, is that such a page should come equipped with contact information---preferably an email address. I like saying thanks through email.
This [five steps to a perfect about page]( tells me I've been _doing it wrong_ for years: _"The About page is the place where you get to sell your brand."_ Ooh, so that's what it's for! Perhaps I should go for some testimonials below a founder's story about a personal struggle, that'll certainly attract the right _Brain Bakers_. (In case that wasn't clear: it won't, and it's a ridiculous way of thinking about your about page. It's a personal blog, not a soulless company website that's only there to further pollute the internet!)
Anyway. This post may serve as a reminder to go check the contents of your about page. Is it still up to date? Does it convey an easy way to contact you without redirecting people to social media junk? Is the goofiness level up to snuff?

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@ -69,11 +69,12 @@ Please also consider leaving an honest review to improve the visibility of the b
### External
- 2024-02-29: [Advice for Engineering Managers: Enabling Developers to Become (More) Creative]( at ``, promotial article.
- 2024-02-06: [The Seven Dimensions of Highly Creative Programmers on Tech Lead Journal]( podcast interview.
- 2023-08-30: [CodeMotion: Combating AI Code Generation with Creativity]( promotional article
- 2023-06-13: [CodeRanch Book Promotion Q&A]( with Wouter Groeneveld
- 2022-11-18: [KU Leuven---Wouter Groeneveld Presents New Book]( (Department of Computer Science university news item)
- [The Creative Programmer on GoodReads](
- 2023-08-30: [Combating AI Code Generation with Creativity]( at ``, promotional article.
- 2023-06-13: [CodeRanch Book Promotion Q&A]( with Wouter Groeneveld.
- 2022-11-18: [KU Leuven---Wouter Groeneveld Presents New Book]( (Department of Computer Science university news item).
- [The Creative Programmer on GoodReads](
### On _Brain Baking_