dipping toes into IndieWeb, added Mastodon refs

This commit is contained in:
Wouter Groeneveld 2021-02-27 17:07:23 +01:00
parent 87d0e76805
commit 365129670b
9 changed files with 69 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ enableGitInfo = true
MathJax = false
description = "Freshly baked thought"
# see single.html, DisqusShortname also needed
disableComments = true
accent = "#018661"
accent2 = "purple"
showBorder = true
copyright = "<a href='/no-copyright-no-tracking'>No &copy; and no tracking</a> - sharing is caring. <svg class='icon icon-small' width='16' height='16'><use xlink:href='#bulb'></use></svg> <a href='/'>Brain Baking</a>. <a href='/index.xml'>RSS Feed</a>."
copyright = "<a href='/no-copyright-no-tracking'>No &copy; and no tracking</a> - sharing is caring. <svg class='icon icon-small' width='16' height='16'><use xlink:href='#bulb'></use></svg> <a href='/'>Brain Baking</a>. <svg class='icon icon-small' width='16' height='16'><use xlink:href='#news'></use></svg><a href='/index.xml'>RSS Feed</a>."
name = "Wouter Groeneveld"
email = "wouter@brainbaking.com"
mastodon = "@wouter@chat.brainbaking.com"
mastodonlink = "https://chat.brainbaking.com/@wouter"

View File

@ -35,21 +35,24 @@ disableComments: true
* Transforming knowledge into well-digestible material is my mission. As they say: _the best way to learn something is to teach it_ - I couldn't agree more.
* Besides various formal [teaching assignments](/teaching/) at KU Leuven, I've also coached software developers in different companies, and occasionally organize bread baking workshops.
* I also like public speaking.
If you found my work amusing and/or helpful, you can [buy me a coffee](https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld) - if you don't mind I'll use it to drink a cup of tea instead. I also like to hear your feedback via (encrypted) e-mail: <a class="meel">say hello</a>. Thanks!
<a href='https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld'>
<a href='https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld' class='inmargin'>
<img height='36' style='border:0px !important;height:36px;' src='/img/kofi.png' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee' />
If you found my work amusing and/or helpful, you can [buy me a coffee](https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld) - if you don't mind I'll use it to drink a cup of tea instead. I also like to hear your feedback via:
- <svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#discuss'></use></svg>Mastodon: [@wouter@chat.brainbaking.com](https://chat.brainbaking.com/@wouter)
- <svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#mail'></use></svg>(encrypted) e-mail: <a class="meel">say hello</a>.
JavaScript is disabled. I use it to obfuscate my e-mail, keeping spambots at bay. <br/>
Reach me using: <code>[firstname] at [this-domain] dot [you-know]</code>.

static/humans.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* humans.txt : The people behind sites!
* http://humanstxt.org
/* TEAM */
Writer: Wouter Groeneveld
Site: https://brainbaking.com
Mastodon: https://chat.brainbaking.com/@wouter
Location: Belgium
/* THANKS */
Hosting: ovh.net
/* SITE */
Language: English
Standards: HTTP/2, CSS3, RSS 2.0.1
Doctype: HTML5 (Polyglot)
Server: Ubuntu, nginx
Generator: hugo
Editor: Sublime Text 3

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ pre
&.essays article > p:first-of-type::first-letter
margin-top: 10px
display: block
line-height: 1.7
@ -113,6 +114,14 @@ main
margin-top: 3.5rem
display: none
border-bottom: none
@media (min-width: 1200px)
display: block
right: calc(-600px + 50vw)
position: absolute

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
font-size: 1rem !important
.commento-round-check input[type=checkbox]:checked+label:before, .commento-round-check input[type=radio]:checked+label:before
background: var(--accent) !important
border: 1px solid var(--accent) !important
.commento-markdown-help tr td pre
padding: 0 !important
font-size: 1rem !important
color: white !important
background: var(--accent) !important
.commento-oauth-buttons button
width: auto !important
.commento-root a,
color: var(--accent) !important
font-size: 1.1rem !important
.commento-root *,
.commento-root-font *
font-family: $font-stack !important
line-height: 1.7 !important
color: $grey
text-align: left !important

View File

@ -17,6 +17,5 @@ $grey: #333
@import 'icons'
@import 'blockquote'
@import 'listing'
@import 'commento'
@import 'goodreads'
@import 'forms'

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
<link rel="me" title="Mastodon" href="{{ .Site.Author.mastodonlink }}" />
<link rel="author" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}humans.txt" type="text/plain" />
<!-- meta data tags, open graph -->
{{ $isHomePage := eq .Title .Site.Title }}
{{ if .Params.subtitle }}
<meta name="description" content="{{.Title}}. {{ .Params.subtitle }}. {{ .Summary | safeHTML }}">
<meta content="{{ .Title }} - {{ .Params.subtitle }}" property="og:title">
<meta content="{{ .Summary | safeHTML }}" property="og:description">
<meta name="description" content="{{.Title}}. {{ .Params.subtitle }}. {{ .Summary | safeHTML }}">
<meta content="{{ .Title }} - {{ .Params.subtitle }}" property="og:title">
<meta content="{{ .Summary | safeHTML }}" property="og:description">
{{ else }}
<meta name="description" content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}">
<meta content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}" property="og:title">
<meta content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}" property="og:description">
{{ end }}
{{ if .Keywords }}
<meta content="{{ delimit .Keywords ", " }}" name="keywords">
<meta name="description" content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}">
<meta content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}" property="og:title">
<meta content="{{ .Title }}{{ if eq $isHomePage false }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}" property="og:description">
{{ end }}{{ if .Keywords }}
<meta content="{{ delimit .Keywords ", " }}" name="keywords">
{{ else if .Params.tags }}
<meta content="{{ delimit .Params.tags ", " }}" name="keywords">
<meta content="{{ delimit .Params.tags ", " }}" name="keywords">
{{ end }}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ .Permalink }}" />

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
<symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="news" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="mail" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<path d="M20 4H4c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L2 18c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h16c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 14H4V8l8 5 8-5v10zm-8-7L4 6h16l-8 5z"/>
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.6 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.9 KiB

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{{ if (not .Params.disableComments) }}
<article class="h-card">
<h4 class="page-header">
<svg class='icon icon-text' width='24' height='24'>
<use xlink:href='#discuss'></use>
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
<div class="avatar">
<img src="/img/avatar.jpg" alt="Me!" />
<img class="u-photo" src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/img/avatar.jpg" alt="A photo of Me!" />
<img class="lazyload" data-src="/img/avatar.jpg" alt="Me!" />
<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/img/avatar.jpg" alt="A photo of Me!" />
<div class="support">
I'm Wouter, a level {{ .Site.Params.level }} <em>Brain Baker</em>, and I love the smell of freshly baked thoughts (and bread) in the morning. I sometimes convince others to bake their brain (and bread) too.
Read more <a href="/about">about me here</a>.
<p class="p-note">
I'm <span class="p-name">{{ .Site.Author.name }}</span>, a level {{ .Site.Params.level }} <em>Brain Baker</em>, and I love the smell of freshly baked thoughts (and bread) in the morning. I sometimes convince others to bake their brain (and bread) too.
Read more <a class="u-url u-uid" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}about">about me here</a>.
If you found this article amusing and/or helpful, you can <a href="https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld"><strong>buy me a coffee</strong></a> - although I'm more of a tea fan myself. I also like to hear your feedback via e-mail: <a class="meel">say hello</a>. Thanks!
If you found this article amusing and/or helpful, you can <a rel="me" href="https://ko-fi.com/woutergroeneveld"><strong>buy me a coffee</strong></a> - although I'm more of a tea fan myself. I also like to hear your feedback via <svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#discuss'></use></svg><a rel="me" class="u-url" href="{{ .Site.Author.mastodonlink }}">Mastodon</a> or <svg class='icon icon-text'><use xlink:href='#mail'></use></svg><a class="meel">e-mail</a>. Thanks!
JavaScript is disabled. I use it to obfuscate my e-mail, keeping spambots at bay. <br/>