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<title>Creative Programing Problem Solving Test (CPPST)</title>
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<h1>Creative Programming Problem Solving Test (CPPST)</h1>
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Here are a few statements that may or may not be applicable, <em>in context of your project</em>. There are no right or wrong answers, so please just answer honestly. In the end, you'll receive an overview of all CPPST attributes.
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Below you see the results divided in seven unique attributes of the CPPST model, each with a score from 1 to 5.
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<h2>Results in Detail</h2>
Please notice that these results are always <strong>in context of your project</strong>! A low score on an attribute does not mean you are not good at that attribute. It merely suggests that in context of the project, you were less creative. <br/>
<h3>1. Curiosity</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Curiosity"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
A <em>curious</em> someone is a person that always shows interest in new, unknown things, that likes to come out of his or hers comfort zone and that likes to delve into a subject or to create things. Someone who does not need external motivation.
<strong>Curiosity</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: did not learn new things or no will/desire to learn new things</li>
<li>High score: A "hungry" mind. Motivated to look for new things, enriches own world</li>
<h3>2. Creative State of Mind</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Creative-State-of-Mind"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
Someone with a <em>creative state of mind</em> is a person that faces work with the right attitude such that creativity can flow optimally and time seems to fly by.
<br/><strong>Focus</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: Stays at the surface of problems. Gets interrupted frequently.</li>
<li>High score: Feels freedom and a "flow" during work, goes deep sometimes, has illuminating "aha" moments</li>
<h3>3. Creative Techniques</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Creative-Techniques"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
Someone who uses <em>creative techniques</em> is someone who knows how exactly to approach problems, and which techniques are involved to get to the best possible solution.
<br/><strong>Technique</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: no idea how to take hurdles. Halted when stuck.</li>
<li>High score: Ideas on how to move forward, especially when stuck.</li>
<h3>4. Technical Knowledge</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Technical-Knowledge"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
Someone with <em>technical knowledge</em> is someone who has the know-how to tackle the problem at hand: knowledge of programming languages, techniques, willing to continuously improve, and so forth.
<br/><strong>Knowledge</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: no new knowledge gathered or too little knowledge to solve bigger programming problems</li>
<li>High score: builds upon newly acquired knowledge to take on problems easily.</li>
<h3>5. Communication</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Communication"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
A <em>communicative</em> someone is a person driven by internal or external feedback, that way striving to be able to offer the best solution possible. Someone who actively shares.
<br/><strong>Feedback</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: does not ask for feedback, resulting in suboptimal solutions.</li>
<li>High score: uses fast and regular feedback of others to improve the solution. Shares own ideas, open to serendipity.</li>
<h3>6. Constraints</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Constraints"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
Someone who can handle <em>constraints</em> is someone who gets the best out of themselves given the limitations that are applied because of internal or external circumstances.
<br/><strong>Context</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: cannot deal with the constraints of the assignment and therefore cannot arrive at a relevant solution.</li>
<li>High score: the context of the assignment can be turned into focus and thus better performance.</li>
<h3>7. Critical Thinking</h3>
Your score: <span class="result" id="result_Critical-Thinking"></span>/5. <br/><br/>
A <em>critical</em> someone is a questioner who does not only doubt things, but also comes up with alternatives, compares, considers, and implements. Critical thinking means making well-informed decisions in context of the problem at hand.
<br/><strong>Introspection</strong> is the most important factor.
<li>Low score: takes everything for granted without questioning the facts. Loses time to irrelevant things.</li>
<li>High score: Questions requirements and comes up with alternatives. Is willing to change things half-way through.</li>
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<h2>The Paper</h2>
<a href=""/>Self-Assessing Creative Problem Solving for Aspiring Software Developers: A Pilot Study</a>.<br/>
The seven attributes are identified in the paper <a href="">Exploring the Role of Creativity in Software Engineering</a>.
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Wouter Groeneveld, Lynn Van den Broeck, Joost Vennekens, Kris Aerts<br>
<pre>{firstname dot lastname} at kuleuven dot be</pre>