
68 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-05-27 20:35:46 +02:00
2020-05-27 21:20:01 +02:00
{{ if .Title }}
2022-10-28 10:09:50 +02:00
{{ if (not .Params.disableComments) }}
2022-10-22 16:06:25 +02:00
<a href="/">
<svg class="logo" style="position: absolute; left: 2rem;"><title>Brain Baking home</title><use xlink:href='#logo'></use></svg>
2022-10-28 10:09:50 +02:00
{{ end }}
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<h1 class="p-name" id="header">
2020-05-27 21:20:01 +02:00
{{ with .Params.icontag }}
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<svg class='icon'><title>page type</title><use xlink:href='#{{ . }}'></use></svg>
2020-05-27 20:35:46 +02:00
{{ end }}
{{ .Title }}
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
{{ end }}
2020-05-30 17:41:38 +02:00
{{ if isset .Params "subtitle" }}
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<h2 class="p-summary">{{ .Params.subtitle }}</h2>
2020-06-29 17:35:06 +02:00
{{ end }}
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
2020-06-29 17:35:06 +02:00
{{ if isset .Params "date" }}
{{ if isset .Params "date" }}
2021-03-09 11:55:58 +01:00
<svg class='icon icon-text' width='24' height='24'>
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<title>published icon</title>
2021-03-09 11:55:58 +01:00
<use xlink:href='#cal1'></use>
2021-02-28 11:06:55 +01:00
<time datetime='{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}' class="dt-published">
<a class="u-url u-uid" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
{{ .Date.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2 January 2006") }}
{{ end }}
{{ if isset .Params "categories" }}
<span title="Categories">
<svg class='icon icon-text' width='24' height='24'>
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<title>category icon</title>
<use xlink:href='#folder'></use>
{{ range .Params.categories }}
<a class="p-category" href="/categories/{{ . }}">{{ . }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (and (isset .Params "context") (not (eq .Params.context ""))) }}
<svg class='icon icon-text' width='24' height='24'>
<use xlink:href='#discuss'></use>
<a href="{{ .Params.context }}" class="u-in-reply-to">In reply to</a>{{ with }}&nbsp;(RSVP: <span class="p-rsvp">{{ . }}</span>){{ end }}<br/>
{{ end }}
2020-05-27 21:20:01 +02:00
{{ end }}
2020-05-27 20:35:46 +02:00
2020-05-27 21:20:01 +02:00
{{ if isset $.Params "tags" }}
<svg class='icon icon-text' width='24' height='24'>
2021-03-12 18:48:49 +01:00
<title>tags icon</title>
<use xlink:href='#tag'></use>
2020-05-27 21:20:01 +02:00
{{ end }}
<span class='list-tags'>
{{ range .Params.tags }}
<a href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}tags/{{ . | urlize }}"><kbd class="item-tag p-category">{{ . }}</kbd></a>
{{ end }}
2020-05-27 20:35:46 +02:00