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2021-03-09 14:45:30 +01:00
title: The IndieWeb Mixed Bag
subtitle: Thoughts about the (d)evolution of blog interactions
date: 2021-03-09
- privacy
- accessibility
- webdesign
It's that time again: I started fiddling with my blog code - for the _nth_ time. Kev Quirk calls it [pissing around with the code]( That was meant negatively, and one of the reasons for him to switch back from Jekyll to Wordpress. I, however, like _pissing around_ because I like _pissing_ - or coding, just for the sake of it. After all, _Brain Baking_ is a big side project that helps me learn and discover new things, blogging technology included.
## So, what changed?
I discovered the [IndieWeb](, perhaps an integral part of what Aral Balkan likes to call the [Small Web]( Many IndieWeb W3C standards have been around for almost twenty years! I have no idea why I only came across it a few weeks ago. Since then, I've been trying to refactor parts of my site to support the IndieWeb standards, and I'm starting to see why.
It's a _big hassle_.
There's this thing with `h-card`, `e-content` and `u-url` meta-classes that have to be added in order for your HTML content to be machine-parsable. Verification can be done with any [microformats2-parser]( or the nice website []( That meant messing around with the templates - again - as of course many components were not properly placed within each other. Author information should be on the root page of your domain, syndication links should have proper meta classes, etc etc.
## But why?
Now we're getting somewhere! One compelling component of the IndieWeb movement is **Webmentions**. A webmention is a logical evolution from `pingback` links from the hopefully long lost XML era that nobody ever implements unless they happen to run a Wordpress website. With Webmentions, you notify others when you've written an article and linked theirs - or written a comment on theirs.
The concept is a webmention is that instead of commenting on someone else's domain, you _own your data_. Want to write a comment or remark? Post it on _your own_ site and send a webmention instead. This idea is also called [POSSE]( _Publish On your Site, Syndicate Elsewhere_. As opposed to PESOS: _Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate to your Own Site_. A very intriguing concept that got my full attention.
Until I started thinking about the ramifications of POSSE. It would be cool if the [Switch supported POSSE](/notes/2021/03/04h08m47s31/) instead of having me post screenshots to a private Twitter account. It would be great if we had access to the ecosystem of the target _silo_ (a centralized social platform) when simply interacting with our own site. [Jamie Tanna]( uses [Indigenous]( to publish content to his site. Oh, you'll need to implement a few microservices (micropub/sub) in order to get that working... And you'll also lose context. So, again: why?
I like the idea of webmentions, because as an academic, I also like the idea of correctly citing each others work. In theory, writing something like this should automatically post webmention notifications to the people I mentioned in this article. A link to this article should appear on their page. Note that I'm using the word _should_ here. A few major problems prevent me from smiling instead of sighing:
- The responsibility for sending webmentions is the web blog owner. Many blogs do not send them out and only receive them because []( makes it semi-easy to implement. Yes, many efforts like []( exist to automate this, but none work effectively, and they all still require you to run the scripts.
- Being dependent on something like defeats the purpose of a _Small Web_: now I'm still using a big central silo to receive my stuff!
- As for POSSE: that's simply ridiculous when thinking about something like Goodreads. I might also be interested in what others are reading, and not every context gets synced to my site with the IndieWeb tools.
## So don't do it!
I wrote about my [Facebook PESOS attempt](http://localhost:1313/post/2020/06/tracking-and-privacy-on-websites/) before. I'd love to POSSE, but some questions that are posted there simply don't make it back, and as a community maintainer, I simply sometimes need to be there, even if I really, really hate that.
**Blog comments**, another big debate. My evolution from Disqus to Commento to nothing to Mastodon to Webmentions says it all[^comm]: it's a hassle. People like [Evan Sheehan]( add a small form to each page where webmentions can be requested - although they should be sent automatically. But what about "normal", non-tech savvy people? What if they want to comment? Oh, they can just use []( Well, that doesn't work, and I've tried it - and it's another external liability.
[^comm]: Managing comments is a hassle, as Kev and others agree. I got rid of these systems last year. If you like to chime in on the discussion, just toot or e-mail me.
All these headaches made people not just leave the IndieWeb standards behind: they are actually leaving static website generators behind and reverting to Wordpress! Read about [Ru Singh]( and [Chris Wiegman]('s reasons. It's mostly the convoluted workflow, and the hassle to get all the tools of their Jamstack-site just right.
![](../blogchart.jpg "Courtesy of I'm somewhere on the lower right...")
[What's a jamstack]( 🥞? I've been jamstack-ing more than four years and only just found out that there's an acronym/cool word for the counterpart of a LAMP-stack: a _Javascript + Microservices-stack_. Because if you're interested in receiving webmentions, you still need an end-point...
Sleeves up, code out:
- microservice endpoint: check,
- javascript tools: check,
Okay, so now, I can answer the _why_. Not because it will be heavily used, or the IndieWeb stuff feels like the future. The low adoption rate says it all... No, simply because I was bored and wanted to learn about modern JS frameworks. I had an excuse to code again. Yay!
Still, once I more or less finished a first revision of my own toolset (sending is up next), I felt a bit empty inside. What's the point? Who will _webmention_ me anyway? Those few other tech-related cooler bloggers? If you pay attention to the webmentions on other sites, you'll notice that `95%` of them are Twitter feeds, probably converted into webmentions by services like []( My point is that as far as **usability** goes, the IndieWeb standard completely falls apart. Sure, decentralization is the future. That's why I try to host and own my own data such as my [Mastodon Instance]( - and that's the philosophy of the IndieWeb.
But I can't ask my wife to stop posting on Instagram because she's giving her data away?[^data] I can't ask her to post it on her own Wordpress-site, after installing a bunch of barely working POSSES-related plug-ins? And I can't ask visitors of my own site to "webmention me!" if they don't have a site?
Feel free to prove me wrong, though. Why don't you webmention this article?
[^data]: One of the key properties of POSSE-ing is that you include a url-shortened reference to the original article, like so: `( 34yf1)`. Having to put up with visible junk metadata on Twitter is also a big concern for me. Without it, you won't know if it's POSSE or PESOS. Aren't you still giving your data away either way?