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<head><title>Java script rekenmachine</title>
<body background="geel.gif">
<body bgcolor="ffffff" link="ffff00" text="ff0000"><p><center><h2>
<font face="Trebuchet MS">Java script: rekenmachine</center></h2></p><p><center>
var acc = 0;
var oper = " ";
var startnum = true;
var decpoint = false;
var errorstate = false;
MAXLEN = 14;
function IsNumeric(num)
{ var idx = 0;
var ch = "";
var foundpoint = false;
for (idx = 0; idx < num.length; idx++) {
ch = num.substring(idx, idx +1 );
if ((ch < "0") || (ch > "9")) {
if ((ch == ".") && (!foundpoint)) {
foundpoint = true;
} else {
if ((ch == "-") && (idx == 0)) {
return false;
} // for idx
return true;
// ContainsChar - check if a string contains a certain char
function ContainsChar(str, ch) {
var idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < str.length; idx++) {
if (str.substring(idx, idx + 1) == ch) {
return true;
} // for idx
return false;
// ContainsDecimalPoint - check if a number string contains a decimal point
function ContainsDecimalPoint(num) {
return ContainsChar(num, ".");
// DisplayChanged - the display was explicitly changed, so check if it is valid
function DisplayChanged(form, display) {
if (!errorstate) {
if (IsNumeric(display.value)) {
display.defaultValue = display.value;
startnum = false;
decpoint = ContainsDecimalPoint(display.value);
} else {
alert("You must enter a numeric value here.");
display.value = display.defaultValue;
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Press the "AC" button.');
// NumPressed - a digit button was pressed, add it to the current display
function NumPressed(form, digit) {
if (!errorstate) {
if ((digit !=0) || (form.display.value != "0")) {
if (startnum) { // need to put a new number on the display (e.g. after "=")
form.display.value = eval(digit);
} else {
if (form.display.value.length < MAXLEN) {
form.display.value = form.display.value + digit;
} // enough room to put new digit
} // add the digit
startnum = false;
form.display.defaultValue = form.display.value;
} // not trying to add leading zeros
} else { //errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// ChangeSign - "+/-" button was pressed, change sign of current display
function ChangeSign(form) {
if (!errorstate) {
if (form.display.value != "0") {
if (eval(form.display.value) < 0) { // negative no problem
form.display.value = 0 - eval(form.display.value);
} else { // positive, make sure it's not too long
if (form.display.value.length < MAXLEN)
form.display.value = 0 - eval(form.display.value);
} // positive
form.display.defaultValue = form.display.value;
startnum = false;
} // not 0, can be negated
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// PointPressed - the decimal dot was pressed, add it to number and start putting disits after it
function PointPressed(form) {
if (!errorstate) {
if ((!decpoint) && (form.display.value.length < MAXLEN - 1)) {
form.display.value = form.display.value + ".";
form.display.defaultValue = form.display.value;
decpoint = true;
startnum = false;
} // decimal point not already present
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// ClearAll - "AC" button was pressed, restart the calculator
function ClearAll(display) {
display.value = "0";
display.defaultValue = "0";
decpoint = false;
acc = 0;
oper = " ";
startnum = true;
errorstate = false;
// ClearNum - "C" button was pressed, clear only current number on display
function ClearNum(display) {
if (!errorstate) {
display.value = "0";
display.defaultValue = "0";
decpoint = false;
startnum = true;
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// RemoveZeros - remove leading zeros after a decimal point from a number string
function RemoveZeros(num) {
var idx;
if (ContainsChar(num, ".")) {
idx = num.length - 1;
ch = num.substring(idx, idx + 1);
while((idx > 0) && (ch == "0")) {
ch = num.substring(idx, idx + 1);
num = num.substring(0, idx + 1);
// get rid of a trailing decimal point, if it remained hanging after the torture ...
if (num.substring(num.length - 1, num.length) == ".") {
num = num.substring(0, num.length - 1)
} // num contains a decimal point
return num;
// CalcDisplay - calculate the new display using the accumulator and the previous operator
function CalcDisplay(display) {
if (oper == "+") {
display.value = acc + eval(display.value);
} else if (oper == "-") {
display.value = acc - eval(display.value);
} else if (oper == "*") {
display.value = acc * eval(display.value);
} else if (oper == "/") {
if (display.value == "0") {
display.value = "ERROR !"
errorstate = true;
} else {
display.value = acc / eval(display.value);
if (!errorstate) {
if ((eval(display.value) >= eval("1e" + MAXLEN)) || (eval(display.value) <= eval("-1e" + (MAXLEN - 1)))) {
display.value = "ERROR !";
errorstate = true;
} else {
if (!ContainsChar(display.value, "e")) { // not exponential format
if (display.value.length > MAXLEN) {
// number is in permited range, so extra digits are after decimal point
// truncate extra digits
display.value = display.value.substring(0, MAXLEN);
// get rid of a hanging decimal point
if (display.value.substring(MAXLEN - 1, MAXLEN) == ".") {
display.value = display.value.substring(0, MAXLEN - 1);
} else {
// get rid of trailing zeros
display.value = RemoveZeros(display.value);
} // string too long
} else { // exponential format
// Numbers smaller than 0.00001 are represented in exponential notation by the browser.
// A piece of code to translate them to fix notation should be put here.
// This is getting *much* too boring for me, so I leave it as is.
// If anyone has the will power to write it, I'll be glad to include it ...
} // exponential format
} // not too high or low
} // no error yet (division by zero)
display.defaultValue = display.value;
// OperPressed - calculate the new display and move it to the accumulator
function OperPressed(form, newoper) {
if (!errorstate) {
oper = newoper;
acc = eval(form.display.value);
startnum = true;
decpoint = false;
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// CalcResult - the "=" button was pressed, put result on display
function CalcResult(form) {
if (!errorstate) {
oper = " ";
acc = 0;
startnum = true;
decpoint = false;
} else { // errorstate
alert('An error has occured. Please press the "AC" button');
// End of hiding script from browsers which do not support it. -->
<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=15 NAME="display" VALUE="0" ONCHANGE="DisplayChanged(this.form, this.form.display)">
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" CHECKED ONCLICK="history.go(-1)"> </TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" C " ONCLICK="ClearNum(this.form.display)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="AC" ONCLICK="ClearAll(this.form.display)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 1 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 1)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 2 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 2)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 3 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 3)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" + " ONCLICK='OperPressed(this.form, "+")'> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 4 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 4)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 5 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 5)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 6 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 6)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" - " ONCLICK='OperPressed(this.form, "-")'> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 7 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 7)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 8 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 8)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 9 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 9)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" X " ONCLICK='OperPressed(this.form, "*")'> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="+/-" ONCLICK="ChangeSign(this.form)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" 0 " ONCLICK="NumPressed(this.form, 0)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" . " ONCLICK="PointPressed(this.form)"> </TD>
<TD> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" / " ONCLICK='OperPressed(this.form, "/")'> </TD>
<TD COLSPAN=4> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" = " ONCLICK="CalcResult(this.form)"> </TD>