
158 lines
3.9 KiB

package webmention
import (
type webmention struct {
source string
target string
func (wm *webmention) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("source: %s, target: %s", wm.source, wm.target)
func (wm *webmention) asPath(conf *common.Config) string {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte("source=" + wm.source + ",target=" + wm.target)))
domain, _ := conf.FetchDomain(wm.target)
return conf.DataPath + "/" + domain + "/" + filename + ".json"
func (wm *webmention) sourceUrl() *url.URL {
url, _ := url.Parse(wm.source)
return url
// used as a "class" to iject dependencies, just to be able to test. Do NOT like htis.
// Is there a better way? e.g. in validate, I just pass rest.Client as an arg. Not great either.
type receiver struct {
restClient rest.Client
conf *common.Config
func (recv *receiver) receive(wm webmention) {
log.Info().Str("webmention", wm.String()).Msg("OK: looks valid")
body, geterr := recv.restClient.GetBody(wm.source)
if geterr != nil {
log.Warn().Str("source", wm.source).Msg(" ABORT: invalid url")
recv.processSourceBody(body, wm)
func (recv *receiver) deletePossibleOlderWebmention(wm webmention) {
func getHEntry(data *microformats.Data) *microformats.Microformat {
for _, itm := range data.Items {
if common.Includes(itm.Type, "h-entry") {
return itm
return nil
type indiewebAuthor struct {
name string
picture string
type indiewebData struct {
author indiewebAuthor
name string
content string
published string // TODO to a date
url string
dateType string // TODO json property "type"
source string
target string
func (recv *receiver) processSourceBody(body string, wm webmention) {
if !strings.Contains(body, wm.target) {
log.Warn().Str("target", wm.target).Msg("ABORT: no mention of target found in html src of source!")
r := strings.NewReader(body)
data := microformats.Parse(r, wm.sourceUrl())
hEntry := getHEntry(data)
var indieweb *indiewebData
if hEntry == nil {
indieweb = parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body, wm)
} else {
indieweb = parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry, wm)
saveWebmentionToDisk(wm, indieweb)
log.Info().Str("file", wm.asPath(recv.conf)).Msg("OK: webmention processed.")
func saveWebmentionToDisk(wm webmention, indieweb *indiewebData) {
// TODO I'm smelling very unstable code, apply https://golang.org/doc/effective_go#recover here?
// see https://github.com/willnorris/microformats/blob/main/microformats.go
func parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, wm webmention) *indiewebData {
name := mfstr(hEntry, "name")
authorName := mfstr(mfprop(hEntry, "author"), "name")
if authorName == "" {
authorName = mfprop(hEntry, "author").Value
// TODO sometimes it's picture.value??
pic := mfstr(mfprop(hEntry, "author"), "photo")
summary := mfstr(hEntry, "summary")
contentEntry := mfmap(hEntry, "content")["value"]
bridgyTwitterContent := mfstr(hEntry, "bridgy-twitter-content")
return &indiewebData{
name: name,
author: indiewebAuthor{
name: authorName,
picture: pic,
content: determineContent(summary, contentEntry, bridgyTwitterContent),
source: wm.source,
target: wm.target,
func shorten(txt string) string {
if len(txt) <= 250 {
return txt
return txt[0:250] + "..."
func determineContent(summary string, contentEntry string, bridgyTwitterContent string) string {
if bridgyTwitterContent != "" {
return shorten(bridgyTwitterContent)
} else if summary != "" {
return shorten(summary)
return shorten(contentEntry)
func parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body string, wm webmention) *indiewebData {
return nil