
235 lines
5.1 KiB

package mf
import (
const (
DateFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05"
Anonymous = "anonymous"
type IndiewebAuthor struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Picture string `json:"picture"`
func (ia *IndiewebAuthor) Anonymize() {
ia.Picture = fmt.Sprintf("/pictures/%s", Anonymous)
type IndiewebDataResult struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Data []*IndiewebData `json:"json"`
func ResultFailure(data []*IndiewebData) IndiewebDataResult {
return IndiewebDataResult{
Status: "failure",
Data: data,
func ResultSuccess(data []*IndiewebData) IndiewebDataResult {
return IndiewebDataResult{
Status: "success",
Data: data,
type IndiewebData struct {
Author IndiewebAuthor `json:"author"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Published string `json:"published"`
Url string `json:"url"`
IndiewebType MfType `json:"type"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Target string `json:"target"`
func (id *IndiewebData) AsMention() Mention {
return Mention{
Source: id.Source,
Target: id.Target,
func (id *IndiewebData) IsEmpty() bool {
return id.Url == ""
func PublishedNow(utcOffset int) string {
return common.Now().UTC().Add(time.Duration(utcOffset) * time.Minute).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05")
func shorten(txt string) string {
if len(txt) <= 250 {
return txt
return txt[:250] + "..."
// Go stuff: entry.Properties["name"][0].(string),
// JS stuff: hEntry.properties?.name?.[0]
// The problem: convoluted syntax and no optional chaining!
func Str(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) string {
val := mf.Properties[key]
if len(val) == 0 {
return ""
str, ok := val[0].(string)
if !ok {
// in very weird cases, it could be a map holding a value, like in mf2's "photo"
valMap, ok2 := val[0].(map[string]string)
if !ok2 {
return ""
return valMap["value"]
return str
func Map(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) map[string]string {
val := mf.Properties[key]
if len(val) == 0 {
return map[string]string{}
mapVal, ok := val[0].(map[string]string)
if !ok {
return map[string]string{}
return mapVal
func HEntry(data *microformats.Data) *microformats.Microformat {
return hItemType(data, "h-entry")
func HCard(data *microformats.Data) *microformats.Microformat {
return hItemType(data, "h-card")
func hItemType(data *microformats.Data, hType string) *microformats.Microformat {
for _, itm := range data.Items {
if common.Includes(itm.Type, hType) {
return itm
return nil
func mfEmpty() *microformats.Microformat {
return &microformats.Microformat{
Properties: map[string][]interface{}{},
func Prop(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) *microformats.Microformat {
val := mf.Properties[key]
if len(val) == 0 {
return mfEmpty()
for i := range val {
conv, ok := val[i].(*microformats.Microformat)
if ok {
return conv
return mfEmpty()
func Published(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, utcOffset int) string {
publishedDate := Str(hEntry, "published")
if publishedDate == "" {
return PublishedNow(utcOffset)
return publishedDate
func NewAuthor(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, hCard *microformats.Microformat) IndiewebAuthor {
name := DetermineAuthorName(hEntry)
if name == "" {
name = DetermineAuthorName(hCard)
picture := DetermineAuthorPhoto(hEntry)
if picture == "" {
picture = DetermineAuthorPhoto(hCard)
return IndiewebAuthor{
Picture: picture,
Name: name,
func DetermineAuthorPhoto(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
photo := Str(Prop(hEntry, "author"), "photo")
if photo == "" {
photo = Str(hEntry, "photo")
return photo
func DetermineAuthorName(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
authorName := Str(Prop(hEntry, "author"), "name")
if authorName == "" {
authorName = Prop(hEntry, "author").Value
if authorName == "" {
authorName = Str(hEntry, "author")
return authorName
type MfType string
const (
TypeLike MfType = "like"
TypeBookmark MfType = "bookmark"
TypeMention MfType = "mention"
func Type(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) MfType {
likeOf := Str(hEntry, "like-of")
if likeOf != "" {
return TypeLike
bookmarkOf := Str(hEntry, "bookmark-of")
if bookmarkOf != "" {
return TypeBookmark
return TypeMention
// Mastodon uids start with "tag:server", but we do want indieweb uids from other sources
func Url(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, source string) string {
uid := Str(hEntry, "uid")
if uid != "" && strings.HasPrefix(uid, "http") {
return uid
url := Str(hEntry, "url")
if url != "" {
return url
return source
func Content(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
bridgyTwitterContent := Str(hEntry, "bridgy-twitter-content")
if bridgyTwitterContent != "" {
return shorten(bridgyTwitterContent)
summary := Str(hEntry, "summary")
if summary != "" {
return shorten(summary)
contentEntry := Map(hEntry, "content")["value"]
return shorten(contentEntry)