package webmention import "" // Go stuff: entry.Properties["name"][0].(string), // JS stuff:[0] // The problem: convoluted syntax and no optional chaining! func mfstr(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) string { val := mf.Properties[key] if len(val) == 0 { return "" } str, ok := val[0].(string) if !ok { // in very weird cases, it could be a map holding a value, like in mf2's "photo" valMap, ok2 := val[0].(map[string]string) if !ok2 { str = "" } str = valMap["value"] } return str } func mfmap(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) map[string]string { val := mf.Properties[key] if len(val) == 0 { return map[string]string{} } mapVal, ok := val[0].(map[string]string) if !ok { return map[string]string{} } return mapVal } func mfprop(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) *microformats.Microformat { val := mf.Properties[key] if len(val) == 0 { return µformats.Microformat{ Properties: map[string][]interface{}{}, } } return val[0].(*microformats.Microformat) }