package db import ( "" "" "" "fmt" "" "strings" ) // MigratePictures converts all indiewebdata already present in the database into local byte arrays (strings). // This makes it possible to self-host author pictures. Run only after Migrate() in migrate-db.go. func MigratePictures(cnf *common.Config, repo *MentionRepoBunt) { for _, domain := range cnf.AllowedWebmentionSources { all := repo.GetAll(domain) log.Info().Str("domain", domain).Int("mentions", len(all.Data)).Msg("migrate pictures: processing") for _, mention := range all.Data { if mention.Author.Picture == "" { log.Warn().Str("url", mention.Url).Msg("Mention without author picture, skipping") continue } savePicture(mention, repo, cnf) } } } // ChangeBaseUrl changes all base urls of pictures in the database. // e.g. "http://localhost:1337/" to "" func ChangeBaseUrl(old, new string) { cnf := common.Configure() repo := NewMentionRepo(cnf) for _, domain := range cnf.AllowedWebmentionSources { for _, mention := range repo.GetAll(domain).Data { if mention.Author.Picture == "" { log.Warn().Str("url", mention.Url).Msg("Mention without author picture, skipping") continue } mention.Author.Picture = strings.ReplaceAll(mention.Author.Picture, old, new) repo.Save(mention.AsMention(), mention) } } } func savePicture(indieweb *mf.IndiewebData, repo *MentionRepoBunt, cnf *common.Config) { restClient := &rest.HttpClient{} picUrl := indieweb.Author.Picture log.Info().Str("oldurl", picUrl).Msg("About to cache picture") _, picData, err := restClient.GetBody(picUrl) if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Str("url", picUrl).Msg("Unable to download author picture. Ignoring.") return } srcDomain := rest.Domain(indieweb.Source) _, dberr := repo.SavePicture(picData, srcDomain) if dberr != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Str("url", picUrl).Msg("Unable to save downloaded author picture. Ignoring.") return } indieweb.Author.Picture = fmt.Sprintf("/pictures/%s", srcDomain) _, serr := repo.Save(indieweb.AsMention(), indieweb) if serr != nil { log.Fatal().Err(serr).Msg("Unable to update wm?") } log.Info().Str("oldurl", picUrl).Str("newurl", indieweb.Author.Picture).Msg("Picture saved!") }