const { collect } = require('../../src/webmention/rsslinkcollector') const fs = require('fs').promises const dayjs = require('dayjs') describe("collect RSS links of articles since certain period", () => { let xml = '' beforeEach(async () => { xml = (await fs.readFile('./test/__mocks__/samplerss.xml')).toString() }) test("collect should not contain hrefs from blocked domains", () => { const collected = collect(xml, dayjs('2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z').toDate()) // test case: // contains link const last = collected[collected.length - 1] expect(last.hrefs).toEqual([ "", "", "/about" ]) }) test("collect should not contain hrefs that point to images", () => { const collected = collect(xml, dayjs('2021-03-14T00:00:00.000Z').toDate()) // test case: // contains e.g. const last = collected[collected.length - 1] expect(last.hrefs).toEqual([ "/about" ]) }) test("collects nothing if date in future and since nothing new in feed", () => { const collected = collect(xml, dayjs().add(7, 'day').toDate()) expect(collected.length).toEqual(0) }) test("collect latest x links when a since parameter is provided", () => { const collected = collect(xml, dayjs('2021-03-15T00:00:00.000Z').toDate()) expect(collected.length).toEqual(3) const last = collected[collected.length - 1] expect("") expect(last.hrefs).toEqual([ "", "", "", "/about" ]) }) test("collect every external link without a valid since date", () => { const collected = collect(xml) expect(collected.length).toEqual(141) const first = collected[0] expect("") expect(first.hrefs).toEqual([ "", "", "/about" ]) }) })