const got = require('got') const { collect } = require('./rsslinkcollector') const { discover } = require('./../linkdiscoverer') const { sendPingbackToEndpoint } = require('./../pingback/send') async function sendWebmentionToEndpoint(endpoint, source, target) { await, { contentType: "x-www-form-urlencoded", form: { source, target }, retry: { limit: 5, methods: ["POST"] } }) console.log(` OK: webmention@${endpoint}, sent: source ${source}, target ${target}`) } async function mention(opts) { const { source, target } = opts const endpoint = await discover(target) if(!endpoint) return const sendMention = { "webmention": sendWebmentionToEndpoint, "pingback": sendPingbackToEndpoint } await sendMention[endpoint.type](, source, target) } async function parseRssFeed(xml, since) { const linksToMention = collect(xml, since) .map(el => el.hrefs // this strips relative URLs; could be a feature to also send these to own domain? .filter(href => href.startsWith('http')) .map(href => { return { // SOURCE is own domain this time, TARGET = outbound target: href, source: } })) .flat() await Promise.all( } async function send(domain, since) { const feed = await got(`https://${domain}/index.xml`) await parseRssFeed(feed.body, since) } module.exports = { send }