package send import ( "" "" "" "" "" "fmt" "" "net/http" "net/url" "sync" "testing" "time" ) var conf = &common.Config{ ConString: ":memory:", AllowedWebmentionSources: []string{ "domain", }, } func TestSinceForDomain(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { label string sinceInParam string sinceInDb string expected time.Time }{ { "Is since parameter if provided", "2021-03-09T15:51:43.732Z", "", time.Date(2021, time.March, 9, 15, 51, 43, 732, time.UTC), }, { "Is file contents if since parameter is empty and file is not", "", "2021-03-09T15:51:43.732Z", time.Date(2021, time.March, 9, 15, 51, 43, 732, time.UTC), }, { "Is empty time if both parameter and file are not present", "", "", time.Time{}, }, } for _, tc := range cases { t.Run(tc.label, func(t *testing.T) { snder := Sender{ Conf: conf, Repo: db.NewMentionRepo(conf), } if tc.sinceInDb != "" { snder.Repo.UpdateSince("domain", common.IsoToTime(tc.sinceInDb)) } actual := snder.sinceForDomain("domain", tc.sinceInParam) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Year(), actual.Year()) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Month(), actual.Month()) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Day(), actual.Day()) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Hour(), actual.Hour()) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Minute(), actual.Minute()) assert.Equal(t, tc.expected.Second(), actual.Second()) }) } } func TestSendMentionAsWebmention(t *testing.T) { passedFormValues := url.Values{} snder := Sender{ RestClient: &mocks.RestClientMock{ PostFormFunc: func(endpoint string, formValues url.Values) error { passedFormValues = formValues return nil }, }, } sendMentionAsWebmention(&snder, mf.Mention{ Source: "mysource", Target: "mytarget", }, "someendpoint") assert.Equal(t, "mysource", passedFormValues.Get("source")) assert.Equal(t, "mytarget", passedFormValues.Get("target")) } // Stress test for opening HTTP connections en masse. // Works great for up to 1000 runs. 10k hits: "http: Accept error: accept tcp [::]:6666: accept: too many open files in system; retrying in 10ms" // Crashed even GoLand and the open Spotify client... // The rate limiter fixes this, and in reality, we never send out 10k links anyway. func TestSendMentionIntegrationStressTest(t *testing.T) { snder := Sender{ Conf: conf, RestClient: &rest.HttpClient{}, } runs := 100 responses := make(chan bool, runs) http.HandleFunc("/pingback", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { writer.WriteHeader(200) writer.Write([]byte("pingbacked stuff.")) responses <- true }) http.HandleFunc("/target", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { target := ` sup! ` writer.WriteHeader(200) writer.Write([]byte(target)) }) go func() { fmt.Println("Serving stub at 6666...") http.ListenAndServe(":6666", nil) fmt.Println("Stub stopped?") }() fmt.Println("Bootstrapping runs...") for i := 0; i < runs; i++ { snder.sendMention(mf.Mention{ Source: "http://localhost:6666/source", Target: "http://localhost:6666/target", }) } fmt.Println("Asserting...") for i := 0; i < runs; i++ { pingbacked := <-responses assert.True(t, pingbacked) } } func TestSendIntegrationTestCanSendBothWebmentionsAndPingbacks(t *testing.T) { posted := map[string]interface{}{} var lock = sync.Mutex{} snder := Sender{ Conf: conf, Repo: db.NewMentionRepo(conf), RestClient: &mocks.RestClientMock{ GetBodyFunc: mocks.RelPathGetBodyFunc(t, "./../../../mocks/"), PostFunc: func(url string, contentType string, body string) error { lock.Lock() defer lock.Unlock() posted[url] = body return nil }, PostFormFunc: func(endpoint string, formValues url.Values) error { lock.Lock() defer lock.Unlock() posted[endpoint] = formValues return nil }, }, } snder.Send("", "2021-03-16T16:00:00.000Z") assert.Equal(t, 3, len(posted)) wmPost1 := posted["http://aaronpk.example/webmention-endpoint-header"].(url.Values) assert.Equal(t, "", wmPost1.Get("source")) assert.Equal(t, "", wmPost1.Get("target")) wmPost2 := posted["http://aaronpk.example/pingback-endpoint-body"].(string) expectedPost2 := ` ` assert.Equal(t, expectedPost2, wmPost2) wmPost3 := posted["http://aaronpk.example/webmention-endpoint-body"].(url.Values) assert.Equal(t, "", wmPost3.Get("source")) assert.Equal(t, "", wmPost3.Get("target")) }