const fs = require('fs'); const fsp = require('fs').promises; const { rmdir } = require('./../utils') jest.mock('got'); const md5 = require('md5') const { receive } = require('../../src/webmention/receive') const dumpdir = 'data/' const MockDate = require('mockdate') describe("receive webmention process tests happy path", () => { beforeEach(() => { if(fs.existsSync(dumpdir)) { rmdir(dumpdir) } fs.mkdirSync(dumpdir, { recursive: true }) MockDate.set('2020-01-01') }) function asFilename(body) { return `${dumpdir}/` + md5(`source=${body.source},target=${}`) } test("receive a webmention bookmark via twitter", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data.type).toEqual("bookmark"); expect(data.content).toContain("Recommended read:") }) test("receive a webmention like", async () => { const body = { source: "", // wrapped in a a class="u-like-of" tag target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data).toEqual({ author: { name: "Stampeding Longhorn", picture: "" }, url: "", name: "", type: "like", source: body.source, target:, // no dates in bridgy-to-mastodon likes... published: "2020-01-01T01:00:00" }) }) test("receive a webmention that has a url and photo without value", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data).toEqual({ author: { name: "Stampeding Longhorn", picture: "" }, url: "", content: "@wouter The cat pictures are awesome. for jest tests!", name: "@wouter The cat pictures are awesome. for jest tests!", type: "mention", source: body.source, target:, published: "2021-03-02T16:17:18.000Z" }) }) test("receive saves a JSON file of indieweb-metadata if all is valid", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data).toEqual({ author: { name: "Wouter Groeneveld", picture: "" }, url: "", content: "This is cool, I just found out about valid indieweb target - so cool", name: "I just learned about", type: "mention", source: body.source, target:, published: "2021-03-06T12:41:00" }) }) test("receive saves a JSON file of indieweb-metadata with summary as content if present", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data).toEqual({ author: { name: "Wouter Groeneveld", picture: "" }, url: "", name: "I just learned about", content: "This is cool, this is a summary!", type: "mention", source: body.source, target:, published: "2021-03-06T12:41:00" }) }) test("receive saves a JSON file of non-indieweb-data such as title if all is valid", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const result = await fsp.readFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, 'utf-8') const data = JSON.parse(result) expect(data).toEqual({ author: { name: "", }, content: "Diablo 2 Twenty Years Later: A Retrospective | Jefklaks Codex", name: "Diablo 2 Twenty Years Later: A Retrospective | Jefklaks Codex", type: "mention", url: body.source, source: body.source, target:, published: "2020-01-01T01:00:00" }) }) test("receive a target that does not point to the source does nothing", async () => { const body = { source: "", target: "" } await receive(body) const data = fs.readdirSync(dumpdir) expect(data.length).toBe(0) }) test("receive a source that does not exist should also delete older webmention files", async () => { const body = { source: "https://wubanga2001.boom/lolz", target: "" } await fsp.writeFile(`${asFilename(body)}.json`, JSON.stringify({ lolz: "aha" }), 'utf-8') await receive(body) const data = fs.readdirSync(dumpdir) expect(data.length).toBe(0) }) })