const webmentionReceiver = require('./receive') const webmentionLoader = require('./loader') const webmentionSender = require('./send') function route(router) {"webmention receive endpoint", "/webmention", async (ctx) => { if(!webmentionReceiver.validate(ctx.request)) { ctx.throw(400, "malformed webmention request") } console.log(` OK: looks like a valid webmention: \n\tsource ${ctx.request.body.source}\n\ttarget ${}`) // we do NOT await this on purpose. webmentionReceiver.receive(ctx.request.body) ctx.body = "Thanks, bro. Will process this webmention soon, pinky swear!" ctx.status = 202 }); router.put("webmention send endpoint", "/webmention/:domain/:token", async (ctx) => { if(!webmentionLoader.validate(ctx.params)) { ctx.throw(403, "access denied") } const since = ctx.request.query?.since console.log(` OK: someone wants to send mentions from domain ${ctx.params.domain} since ${since}`) // we do NOT await this on purpose. webmentionSender.send(ctx.params.domain, since) ctx.body = "Thanks, bro. Will send these webmentions soon, pinky swear!" ctx.status = 202 }) router.get("webmention get endpoint", "/webmention/:domain/:token", async (ctx) => { if(!webmentionLoader.validate(ctx.params)) { ctx.throw(403, "access denied") } console.log(` OK: someone wants a list of mentions at domain ${ctx.params.domain}`) const result = await webmentionLoader.load(ctx.params.domain) ctx.body = { status: 'success', json: result } }) } module.exports = { route }